let me tell you all about firestorm 13. war pigs was an alliance started by the zombies guys to specifically fight against the number one team rimuru tempest, for those of you that know rimuru, you know he invites all the top guys once the alliance is top ranked, high ranking players tend to gravitate towards better ranked alliances so they can win the game, no effort needed no opposition preferred. once the alliance was successful in recruiting all the to players it is now time to play the diplomacy game and offer out badges so that your allies can fight your enemies while you sail to victory largely unopposed. now that seems like an easy win and fun times but what actually happened was there were just a few players in war pigs that actually wanted to play against the top team and the other half or more of war pigs were just there to either spy or wait to die. the rest of the alliances all fell in line and rimuru tempest became the big beer theory because the number 2 alliance had some alcohol themed name like whiskey bar and it was changed in difference to them when they became allies. that server ended very quickly for war pigs as you can imagine but the worst part was how boring it got after we left and how many people didnt even bother to stay and finish once it was won for them. it cant just be the whole game vs a few people that the majority of players decide they dont like. thats why project is very bad for this game. everyone is gone now and nobody wants to be the ones to go against the majority of players left here. this game just snt fun anymore specifically because of the project mentality that most players have, you just want easy wins and now you have them, wcs how fun was that? these last few servers since have all been a joke, each winning team contains some amalgamation of project players and it wont ever change now. this game and this story are all but over in my mind now. shame on project people and shame on the development for mishandling perhaps one of the best game environments to ever be created for mmorpg type formats. shame on me for being so antisocial i could build my own team to combat this disease of a strategy which is mass cooperation. fix it or lose it, the end.