> @gamerdruid said:
> Whilst a price of 2 200 may be expensive for Russians, it does translate to approximately the same for other regions. It has been the case for a long time that international currency fluctuations make the game expensive, very expensive or extremely expensive for some countries/currencies in relation to average income where the income level is considered low for Western countries such as those in Europe or North America.
> EA have had this same issue many times and it is discussed here in general terms and in the terms you post of groups leaving. EA are aware of this, but stick with their policy.
EAs stance makes zero sense, and is essentially filled by greed, especially in the current financial climate.
What you're saying then is EA wanted a equal price for all, which on the face of it would seem to be fair. However, they've fixed that price at the highest end, and haven't found a happy medium. This is a sort of "Quantity over Quality" argument with "quality" relating to higher funds, which is absurd. It's clearly priced many out and you will see many people leave, or worse, people might have an addiction and spend beyond their means - similar to what we see in the gambling industry.
In the times we're in - myself included - we haven't been able to go out, and a lot of people were on their own with little contact with others - this game gave a place for contact with people, and probably helped many people cope mentally whilst the pandemic was going on - many wouldn't recognize that. I've spoken to quite a few people in game who had returned after years out due to the pandemic, however they won't stick around long now. I don't think it's right that EA do this move in the current climate, it isn't ethical, and is sticking a finger up at many loyal customers with years of trade such as the Russian and South American communities. This is undoubtedly a profiteering move by EA, and it absolutely stinks. If they had any integrity, they would seek an average cost to make it affordable to those in the poorer areas, as well as it being affordable to those in better economies. Has there been any customer research on what is deemed a fair price? Was there any thought to record numbers of unemployment in many countries? A thousand players paying $10 is better than 100 paying $40. This seems extremely short sighted in the times. Just my view, I welcome thoughts of others on this.