I don't recognise the games - are they all from many different publishers or are they all from the same one?
The list of countries are mainly European or industrialised. Southern American countries do feature and sometimes they have the cheapest prices. Where is Algeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Mongolia or Palestine and Syria? Where is a long list of African countries? They're not on the list. My guess is they are charged in US $ or Euros or some other currency. I don't know. Until the recent change that changed some prices in some countries to US $, the game would have appeared in the list as cheaper than the rest of the world, not by the actions of EA but by the vagaries of the currency markets and international weakness/strength of currencies.
But at the end of all this, EA won't be changing - so players either play for free and accept the limitations of the game when they do, pay up and accept it is expensive or leave.