Could you tell me how is your and devs and Envision crew salary formed?
Do you have a fixed wage , per hour , bonuses for this project "Tiberium Alliances"?
I'd like to know do you have any benefit from buying funds by players, any percent? I mean do have any % from funds like a part of your and Envision crew income?
i think you have in the other case i have no explanation why you snitched on Argentina.
Like many players mantioned here before there is now fresh blood here. You can tell me - leave this game.
But you have to wait when the present game generation will change and new generation (if it be) will accept your rules and prices.If you have % from funding you poo on your heads
We have a saying which describs your acts - Mice were crying, picked but continued to eat the cactus.
You can or can't depends on many factors , but i see there is a chance you can lose some profit while waiting the generation change.
The only way for you to understand that you are wrong is to punish you with money. Leave like you mantioned here od don't buy fubds and accept limits