@EE_Elephterion as you know there are not many teams left playing this game.
So far atleast half of the community has already let you know they will not continue at this price.
And im sure there are more that just wont.
My team Serenity wont.
The Russians and Polish in Crazy Machine wont either.
And im sure many others in Latin Crazy, Section 8, TTD etc wont either.
Thats already around 600 to 1000 players that wont be playing anymore if not more.
Is EA blind to this ?
This game will die if its not changed.
Envision will lose its contract to maintain this game so its a negative for your company too.
Im sure this pays for some Bradwurst BBQs you hold and money doesnt grow on trees.
Isnt this being relayed to the proper people there at EA?
The EA Employee Soixie defending these changes at all turns by calling us thieves and frauds isnt helping either.
We demand lower prices.