I think @EE_Elephterion did his job. No point in blaming him or even accusing him of nefarious purposes. He's obligated per his job. Full stop.
I think this thread addresses an underlying pricing discrepancy that has been hidden for years because everyone that has played this game seriously has known of the different country loopholes for cheaper funds. Before Argentina, it was several other countries.
Here are the facts:
1. According to the majority that have posted here (besides devs, Soixie, and moderators) have stated that 40 dollars for 50k funds is too high a price.
2. The issue of the game being too expensive has not been brought up because most players who have seriously played this game have known of the loopholes and have bought cheaper funds accordingly.
Moving forward:
1. I personally would like to have an EA representative respond with EA's position to this thread or provide a post somewhere to let us know they are aware and provide justification or state that they are looking into making adjustments and providing an update. @EE_Elephterion is it possible for you to pass this along to the appropriate individuals so the TA player community gets EA's official position posted in the forums?
2. Years past (this is dating me), EA did hold several holiday deals every year. This hasn't happened in years (probably because they were aware of the loopholes). Could EA bring back occasional holiday discounts? If I remember correctly, the 50k package was increased by x amount and brought the actual adjusted cost to around 20-24 dollars for 50k funds.