I think EA doesn't even read this thread and don't care about this.
They know that 80% of players that complain will continue to play and buy expensive funds, they already changed funds price many times in the past, and players are still here, even when we had not choice to buy 30€ funds.
Every month they see players saying that C&C is now dead, and it's still here.
With Argentina funds, lot of players were funding 100% of the time on this game, this is good for players because it require less money to play against big funders.
But that's actually the problem, they not want everyone to be able to funds 100%.
Lot of players that can't afford to pay more than Argentina funds, will continue to play with less funds but will pay the same amount of $ to EA.
And some players that can afford to funds 100% no matter the price, will now pay more to EA.
Not happy with these changes too, but we all know that this exploit was not intented by EA. Funds price are not choosed randomly, these kind of packages have the same price on lot of games for a reason. it's their optimal price for a better profitability, saying "cheaper funds mean more money for EA" is wrong.
Sorry to say the opposite of many players, but every update, funds price change, we see players complaining, nothing changed, main players are still here, some leave but for other reasons, mainly because very few players play now this kind of browser games.
I prefer to see this funds price fixed rather than seeing this game closed, I'm pretty sure it's barely profitable for EA, that's why we will not see big updates anymore.