Forum Discussion

ignitedfury's avatar
7 years ago

IP restriction

I really Think AE should enter an IP restriction to prevent people use 5+ accounts and make the game no more fun for others.
@AE I hope ur gna do something with that.

10 Replies

  • This has been discussed many times. There are technical reasons why they won't. (Not that they can't).
  • "gamerdruid;c-2052845" wrote:
    This has been discussed many times. There are technical reasons why they won't. (Not that they can't).

    i cant understand that "technical reasons" (imho this is just an excuse), other ogames can manage that too. when i remember correctly, even in a game 15y ago it was possible to manage (citykampf).

    so mum, dad und son can play the same world at the same time. but they just cant hit the same target.
    its not impossible to implement that and it would solve the issue about killing the team play.
  • There are many reasons plus the technical ones. I don't have the details of the technical issues so can't explain them.
  • > @gamerdruid said:
    > There are many reasons plus the technical ones. I don't have the details of the technical issues so can't explain them.

    Dude i dont get it why ur a moderator. Ur talking nothing but noncense. Its possible for sure. As the guy above u told a lot of games use it. and if i was AE i would start think of using it before more people stop because of this abuse. Ud better stop replying to this, ur only making urself look like a fool.
  • "RAYMONDRONALD;c-2053354" wrote:
    Come on Monk stop being a Snow Flack has not Players like you Ruined the Game Enough
    Will you not be satisfied till we are Realy the Rival to Candy crush Saga
    If you can not stand the Heat get out of the oven

    you with your "snow flake" (also in the other thread), i dont get the feeling lost that you are the snow flake and crying because you cant use alt anymore.
    if you accept that people use multis and like it, its not monks (or my or anyone else) problem. its just your problem, the game is not meant to have several accounts to push one account. in fact the patch 19.1 helped much with that and yes it kills the team play - thats why IP ban sounds much better.

    if EA would ban by IP, the loot problematic with team killing bases wouldnt be a problematic anymore. it would make it much more complicated to use alt accounts.
  • "reinemachfrau;c-2053769" wrote:

    if you accept that people use multis and like it, its not monks (or my or anyone else) problem. its just your problem, the game is not meant to have several accounts to push one account. in fact the patch 19.1 helped much with that and yes it kills the team play - thats why IP ban sounds much better.

    if EA would ban by IP, the loot problematic with team killing bases wouldnt be a problematic anymore. it would make it much more complicated to use alt accounts.

    I don't think IP ban sounds a lot better. Cause there are players who live in the same house or use the same IP address as other players. The game has been too easy right now with all that farming, at least 60% of the tiberium and crystal comes from your base. Make it harder. Offensive style harder, lower the resource rate on the bases and the loot from the forgotten bases/outposts/camps better. Making attacking the main focus, whether by pvp or pve. Lower the CP and RT in exchange for making forgotten installations(all their bases, outposts etc.) look tougher. May I suggest increasing all the units by 50%. If a base has a maximum of 300 defensive 'control points', make that 450. This feature should only be forgotten exclusive.

  • "TheSpainishRat2;c-2053776" wrote:
    Reinemachfrue wrote: you with your "snow flake" (also in the other thread), i dont get the feeling lost that you are the snow flake and crying because you cant use alt anymore.

    A vast majority of Players Play with a Main and 1 Alt Account ie 1 NOD and 1 GDI
    So you want to stop that do you.
    Try it you might have more Fun.

    Yes a FEW abuse the Alts System with 10 to 15 accounts and Farm to there Main, and I agree these should be Stopped, But dont Bugger up the Game for the Majority just to Punish the Few

    By the way the Brit term SNOWFLAKE is for a Generation who has No Backbone, Guts, or Spine and Political correct, and Whinges at every little thing that will not go there way, Mummy's Boys still at 30years plus

    A limit on 5 Alts to one ISP sounds good to me

    well, you think its good. i think its shit.
    in the allies i am in we have 50 real players, multi accounter get denied. you still can play with an alt in our allies, but not in the same ally you can put it into the wing. this avoids the feeding of one account. (at least we try, you cant avoid at the end - some manage to sneak them in)

    you cant use alts in most ogames, why here? you cant use them in rpgs, why here? just to push your main account (no matter with 1 or 10)? imho its poor gaming and bad style.

    were is the sense to have 10 players in a team with each 5 accounts? team play? - no it isnt. where is the challenge? where the competition in which all have to play with the same basis? for what to have alliances when you at the end only play with yourself? in this case you can also play some offline game. do you give yourself similar advantages in other multiplayer games? like aim hack in fps?

    why you think 5 is good? not 10 or 15? or only 2?

    when i stand for fair play (one acc = one player) and you name this snow flake, well ok call me like that. still does not change the fact that i want fair play.
    but isnt it more snow flake to make it easy as possible and replace the competition with mass accounting? like your mom and dead do everything to make it most comfortable to you (helicopter parents and lawn mover parents)?

    do you like doping in sport? do you call the non-doper snow flakes, because they want this gets stopped? just curious.
    multi accounting is nothing different to doping. and only because many are doing this, does not make it right.

    i guess we just have different understanding of fair play.
  • Perhaps unlimited alts in each IP address (so schools, clubs, or wifi access points can play), but accounts that enter through the same ip cannot attack the same things. Like, camps, outposts, bases, enemy player bases, and maybe even bases inside alliances of others on the same IP. It would help deter both multi-player gaming and some locking out during attacks.

    @gamerdruid don't sweat the attack from Furyanmonk. He has been kicked from alliances before due to saying not-intelligently-concieved ideas in an obnoxious way. He is a hater at heart. At least it seems he has his Tourette's Syndrome somewhat under control, and we can all be happy about that. :) He can be a lot worse.
  • @ToXXXic69 are ur mushrooms filling u up again?
    Ive been nothing but polite and the only person insulting is u?
    Maybe a lack of comminucation?

    Then kicked from alliances? U know more then me there but i think that will be the mushrooms speaking.
    Anyway ur contribution to the topic is useless.
    If as Druid already said (AE) is not even possible to limit 1 or 2 accounts to an ip... They are sure as hell not even compatible to restrict an IP to an attack on a camp, op or base. So ur contribution is just to insult me for handing in a option for fairplay?

    The only reason i can think of is that u are a multi user affraid losing ur ability to get ahead duo no fact of knowledge about this game.

    Though i keep it nice and let it be for what it is. Since more people think like me as u see in the comments.
    But rest asured i have no Syndrome what so ever and i shall blame it to ur use of mushrooms.

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