Forum Discussion

gamerdruid's avatar
8 years ago

New world options

Narkol is holding a poll in the German forum he wrote:
Narkol wrote:
Abend werte Spieler,
heute mal eine kleine Umfrage zu neuen Spielwelten.
Vorab der Hinweis: Das Ergebnis der Umfrage führt nicht zum automatischen Erscheinen der Welt. Ebenso muss eine eventuelle technische Umsetzung noch überprüft werden. Dies ist erst einmal eine Umfrage um den Entwicklern zu zeigen, wo die Interessen der Spieler liegen.
Ihr könnt auch gerne Kombinationen der unten aufgeführten Liste vorschlagen.
ohne Fund Einsatz (18 Std repkap als Standard/100 Angriff Punkte)
ohne Updates der Einheiten
"Superwaffen" die nur auf dieser Welt einsetzbar wären
4x Geschwindigkeit der Resourcen, Repzeit
Welt wo man Anhand der Sprache in einem zugewiesenen Sektor startet
Das waren erst mal so meine gesammelten Idee. Weitere Vorschläge könnt ihr dennoch mitteilen.
Lieben Gruß

Google translation used as basis for this translation (I don't understand German but do understand Google :) )
google and gamerdruid wrote:
Evening worthy players,
Today I make a small survey about new types of worlds..
Please Note: The result of the survey does not lead to the automatic appearance of a world with any of the features mentioned. Likewise, a possible technical implementation has yet to be verified. This is only a survey to show the developers where the interests of the players are.
You can also suggest combinations of the list below.
1) Starting capacities of 18 h repair with standard 100 attack points available from the start. (WITHOUT FUNDS) *Note: doesn't show on the poll.
2) A new super weapon that is only available on this world
3) A world where no unit upgrades are available
4) 4x speed of the resources, repair rate
5) world where the starting sector is offered according to the default language you use
That were only times so my collected idea. Further suggestions you can nevertheless inform.
Love greeting

I hope all that makes sense to you.
  • Have you checked how many 1st place badges I have? Or 2nd or 3rd or 4th?
  • It's a game, not about fairness but about winning and being in control within the rules as defined loosely by EA and interpreted by others commissioned by them.
  • Seria Genial si podemos tener dos mundos paralelos para jugar sin necesidad de entrar y cerrar la cuenta.

    Un gran estilo de juego sería para mí poder utilizar el mar a las afueras .. oh dios creo que deliro

    si pueden modernizar más lo visual.- Saludos
  • "gamerdruid;c-1867322" wrote:
    "Scareybee26;c-1867020" wrote:
    Make a server where once alliance killed fort they not allowed to hit or be allowed to even participate in the next alliance hitting it ... and be ported to the level 30 base line and move recovery a week stuck there ... !!!

    Why punish a successful player/alliance? If you're not in the 1st alliance you're not good enough!

    It's not punishing success. They've already badged. That's the point of the game. Now move on and start over or quit playing. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of bullies who control the entire rest of the server badging. Or go play against others your own level somewhere else, if you're so great and cool and good at the game. Otherwise all you're doing is taking advantage of people with less time and/or money to play the game. And those people won't enjoy the game and will therefore quit.
  • Because otherwise all you're doing is taking advantage of people with less time or money to play the game.
  • Most of the ideas regarding the winning alliance and the post fortress game, involves a huge game play change, technically meaning a brand new game, and I think we can all agree on that that will never happen.

    However, there is one way that is effective and and also require "minimal" game changes: Every player that have been involved in destroying of the Fortress, gets his privilege to recive POI bonus revoked for a period of, say, one month. This will dramatically reduce the power of the winning players, thus giving the competitive alliances a big chance to catch up and claim the center.
  • Hey, i join this discussion a bit late, and don't even know if this is the right place to post that but here i go :

    Building upgrades : (when multiple choices, you can only choose one and stick with it on the world)
    Yard :
    - Repair upgrade : decrease the time to repair base
    - Move upgrade : decrease the move recovery time
    - Capacity upgrade : increase the amount of building-slot in your base (so you can have more than 40)

    Command Center :
    - Range upgrade : increase the attack range (so you can attack further than 10 fields)
    - CP upgrade : decrease the cost of cp to attack
    - Capacity upgrade : increase the unit-slots in offense (so you can have more than 200)
    - CP Production upgrade : increase the CP production speed (well, maybe 20/h instead of 10/h)

    Defense HQ :
    - Capacity upgrade : increase the unit-slots in defense (so you can have more than 300)

    Defense Facility :
    - Repair upgrade : increase the repair effectiveness of defense

    Supports :
    - Range upgrade : increase support range

    Also, i'd love to see a new building :

    Trade Center : You can transfer from/to a base of your own only when it has this building. The transfer cost now depends on the levels of trade centers at both ends of the transfer (instead of the distance of the base). You can transfer from/to a base under attack. If the trade center is damaged, you can't transfer anymore from/to this base.

    Also, these new supplies could be fun to use :

    Shield : when you deploy the crate on a base, this base is put under a shield during 1 hour.

    Base repair : you can deploy this crate on a damaged base to instantly add a specific amount of repair time (you could deploy it on a fully repaired base, but you would be an idiot ^^). The amount of repair time would depends on the grade, just like resource crates.
  • At the time of the post, 3 months ago, it was serious. Please don't revive old threads when you don't add anything to the discussion!

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