4 years ago
When will the next world with FG attacks start? Please open new worlds more regular/quicker. thx
"gamerdruid;c-2192544" wrote:
I don't disagree with you but... EA have set the funding model and no-one reading this will be able to change it. As far as I know, about the only thing the developers can't change about the game is the funding model.
"xxsly;c-2192527" wrote:
You know what would be really interesting? If a veteran world had a signup cost. Hear me out.
It's reasonably well known that most veteran players buy the command point and repair time caps. In fact, after playing a few words and beating the fortress once, I'd be inclined to say that they are necessary.
After asking around the few times I've played, the general consensus seems to be the monthly cp increase of 200cp (899TA) and +48 hours repair time (2299). For games lasting 6 months and 12 months, the capacity costs would be ~$25 (19188 TA) and ~$50 (38376 TA)
So instead of having a funding model for a veteran server where people are going to buy the caps anyway, why not have an upfront cost, removing the ability to buy extra caps and packages but putting everyone on an even playing field.