"Доброго времени суток старожилы игры, сегодня столкнулся с такой проблемой, при покупке "фундс" выскакивает ошибка карты, мол что-то не так с картой. 1.5 года назад все работало исправно, а теперь покупки с территории Беларуси тоже ограничены?"
"Good day, old-timers of the game, today I encountered the following problem: when purchasing “funds”, a card error pops up, saying something is wrong with the card. 1.5 years ago everything worked properly, and now purchases from Belarus are also limited?"
This forum is an English language only forum, unfortunately. Also, we're unable to help with issues to do with funds. You need to contact Ea.com/help about the inability to purchase funds.