I for one will have to agree with Lord . FA +Morale is no more than a funds bucket . The Layouts are beyond trash in all servers . EA is focusing on the new Players who have not seen how much the game costs yet , and are willing to sink 100k funds not realizing that they are going no where . If that is your target market? That is fine . The Players like Lord and I who have Played 100 servers , led teams to the fort and spent more than our share ? You will not be seeing them . I have watched some of the top players in the game simply quit throughout the changes . EA has made this one of the most expensive games on the net as it stands , without even a slight consideration of a funds sale ? Very sad ! I for one can not afford a couple hundred U.S. dollers to compete with those with deep Pockets . For this kind of money , you can but a flat screen TV for Gods sake. Please do not try to rationalize the new FA+Morale servers, as it is 100% transparent . Bring back the old style servers, and we will play . Outside of that it will be simply jumping on a server to talk with old friends . Sad after 5 yrs