Forum Discussion

nefrontheone's avatar
New Scout
5 years ago

Abnormal function of home/login page

When I entered the game this morning, a strange thing happened to me and although at first I did not give it importance, I started to wonder if it was not a failure due to the change of the landing page.

1) Access the game and click on Login

2) You enter the Login page and enter your data correctly and click Enter

3) Instead of taking you to the game you land on the EA main page

4) If you go back to the home page of our game, you are logged in and you can start playing by clicking on Play the game

Note: I think is a new problem from EA

10 Replies

  • skyfyre8's avatar
    New Spectator
    5 years ago

    does that happen consistently for you. Or does that only happen when you are "new" to the website?
  • Continually, the problem persist !

    Every time I log Out my player and try to log again to play.

    If I have my user logged when open browser the game works normally.

    Edited: As if EA's authentication page didn't redirect to the game correctly and sends you to their main page.
  • It happens for me too in the English version. I tend to go directly to worlds so don't normally see this, but have checked by logging out then this the same happens for me.
  • +1 on that issue - looked to me like they were trying to push their new star wars offering lol
  • It has been passed to the web team that deal with the front end at EA (this is not dealt with by Envision!)
  • "gamerdruid;c-2156669" wrote:
    It has been passed to the web team that deal with the front end at EA (this is not dealt with by Envision!)

    Now it seems to start working correctly ...

    Edited: The guys at Envision beat themselves up looking for the possible problem (many thanks to them) for the end to be a problem caused from EA who do not care to ensure the operation when they change something (one more time). :-(
  • It isn't working fully correctly - if you log-out via the in-game log-out link then sign-out of the account, you are thrown to the mercy of - in my case but maybe different for others.