On firestorm 14 it works similar. Offence 67 can generate Camp 68, but not 69. At some point it’s easier to generate camps from defense. Cheaper to upgrade due to mixing Tiberiun and Cristal. We have one base with defense 71, and this base generates Camps 70-72 so +/- 1, but no 73.
It seems that there are many contradictions in new camp generation. In range 50-65 it was unlocked to generate +2 camps above that is not. But no clear information in that matter was provided when introducing that change. That’s creates inconsistency and it’s necessary to figure it on your own and that creates some disappointments. It should be more transparent with changes of this type provides like any other rules.
Let's hope that patch 21.1 will solve that
Outposts and Camps should now be able to spawn with their proper levels at max level
But still is not 100% clear if this information applies to that particular issue.