For those who suffer the error of not being able to change the world when once authenticated they click on the "Change server" option and using Chrome:
Deleting all the cookies and caches of the system will make us lose the configuration of other games or services of other companies that we have stored in our browser. So instead of "Delete everything" we will selectively eliminate everything related to our beloved game.
On the right side of the address bar we click on the three vertical points and choose the option "Configuration". We go down the page and click on "Advanced configuration". Within the "Privacy and security" menu we click on the option "Content configuration". And we choose "Cookies" among the different options shown. If we click on "View all cookies and all website data" we can see all the information stored in our browser on the different web pages we visit.
Within this section of the configuration you only have to delete the information related to EA and Command & Conquer indicated below:
Cookies to be deleted:
- accounts.ea.com
- alliances.commandandconquer.com
- ea.com
- forums.ea.com
(only if you access these forums with a different account than the one you are playing)
- gamecdnorigin.alliances.commandandconquer.com
- prodgame14.alliances.commandandconquer.com
(the server number depends on each world) Contains player information for each world
- signin.ea.com
Then we click on "Close session" of the game itself.
And we return to authenticate in the game, then we have again available the different worlds in which we play habitually:
Important note: Rest assured, EA and Command & Conquers information will be available in the browser once we access the game but we will have to reconfigure some of the options of each world and the scripts that we already had in motion. Example: http://prntscr.com/jftehr