"batman2402-LMBF;c-1945644" wrote:
Hi all,
cleared all cookies and cache , also restart chrome browser but i am not able to choose an other world. When i click change server i get this https://prnt.sc/jf7718
Did also log out then log in to account
Sometimes it helps to put language on the home page to another language at this moment english does not work it just redirects to the home page dutch does not work either you can only play last played world atm.
but putting it to german or spanish and then select change world works just fine....
this was yesterday evening, at this moment other isseus seem to have arrived was just able to login one account but when i had logged in the second i cant start any world with that one
And now it works again....
so for all who have issues choosing worlds try selecting different languages on the home page before entering the choose world screen