Forum Discussion

oscarromeo01's avatar
2 years ago

Tiberian 59 - Bugs, game crash, and re-connection issues

For the last two weeks, players have been experiencing bugs, the game has been crashing, and difficulty n reconnecting to the game. This is particularly annoying, especially that we pay for the game and when we are in the middle of attacks.

We are all using different browsers, and on different systems; launching the game in private mode does not solve issue. Re-launching the game allows connection after game crash, however, crashes again within a couple of minutes.

Kindly look into the issue, please, and ensure that players are compensated with TA funds, extra repair times, or even given the choice of what they want.

This post is in the best interest of players, and to better their gaming experience.
  • skyfyre8's avatar
    New Spectator

    you tried playing the game without any scripts? Also, when you experience a crash could you press F12 and take a screenshot of the console tab in the developer console. This would help us narrowing down the issue.

    Not sure if that what you experienced but browsers have recently started to unload tabs not actively used. This can cause issues with the game and you may need to be forced to reload the tab. This is, unfortunately, outside of our control.

    And last but not least, you mind describing what kind of bugs you experienced (ideally with screenshots or steps to reproduce). This would help us greatly to fix them ;)