Forum Discussion

johno3some's avatar
6 years ago

Wrong CIC showing within the alliance tab.

Since the latest update - my alliance tab is showing my SIC as CIC, but within the write up it indicates myself as the CIC (which is correct)....

Any ideas??/
  • There is a known bug (one of a few) in 19.1 which seems to show the last player made to the rank of SiC or CiC as the CiC in the alliance info tab.

    You could get it changed, I think, by getting yourself demoted and then promoted so that you are the last player made CiC. I've not tried this 'work around' but it may work.
  • Yes, currently the Alliance info fills in the most recently assigned SiC OR CiC, in case multiple. That is by design but we might need to tweak what ranks are taken into consideration here.
  • Yes, so far it is showing the SIC as the CIC. I am CIC - I don't mind, but it is misleading when it comes to other alliances wanting to give pertinent info privy for the CIC.
  • Thanks Gamedruid - I must admit - I haven't got the guile to try that, due to my luck it would go further wrong. As I have said to EE_elephterion.... Its the command stuff that can be seen misleading. Thanks..