8 years ago
xTr1m's Base Overlay
Does anyone know how to fix this script to work with the latest patch?
// ==UserScript==
// @name C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay
// @description Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
// @namespace http*://*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*
// @include http*://*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*
// @version 1.0
// @author xTr1m
// @grant none
// @source https://github.com/xTr1m/BaseOverlay
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay
// @description Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
// @namespace http*://*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*
// @include http*://*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*
// @version 1.0
// @author xTr1m
// @grant none
// @source https://github.com/xTr1m/BaseOverlay
// ==/UserScript==