Forum Discussion

SpeirFein's avatar
5 years ago

Mechanics of Spawning Camps and Outposts

Current as of 21.4 Update

Spawning Mechanics of Camps

• Camps are spawned by any base that has an army in it regardless of whether a base has a CC or not.

• The level of camps is the maximum of either the defense or offense level rounded down. E.G. – Level 29.9 defense will be considered level 29 defense and thus spawn level 28 through Level 32 camps.

• Camps levels that are spawned are between -1 and + 3 of the highest level between offense or defense. E.G. – Player base has level 20 offense level and level 25 defense level. Forgotten camps that are spawned will be between level 24 and level 28.

• At Level 50 and higher, camps are spawned at -1 to 0 of the highest of defense or offense level or some worlds now have -1/+2 (this favors shooting camps over outposts on these worlds after level 50).

• Every base with an offense will spawn two camps after the first farming quests are done at the start of the server (typically 10 total shots on the Forgotten).

• Currently, the level of camps spawned is purely random between the ranges. Unlike outposts, the player's base level does not impact the probability of higher level camps spawning.

Spawning Mechanics of Outposts

• Tunnels are activated by any offense that is -6 levels or above of the tunnel level and within 4.5 spaces of tunnel. Example: Level 20 tunnel is activated by any offense with level 14 or higher.

• A tunnel is fully activated by 5 bases with the right offense level (25% probability outpost spawn every hour with 100% probability spawn every hour with 5 bases). A tunnel needs to be fully activated to guarantee spawning an outpost every hour.

• A tunnel will spawn an outpost up to 6.5 spaces away from the tunnel that is activated.

• The maximum number of visible outposts visible for a tunnel is 10. That means a fully activated tunnel will have a total of 10 outposts visibly spawned, with the remaining outposts that have been "spawned" waiting in "queue". That's assuming a tunnel has been activated for more than 10 hours.

Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts. This has been confirmed. Once a tunnel is fully activated, there are unlimited respawns of OPs.

• Camps do not impact the ability to spawn outposts.

• Low offense levels do not impact the spawning of outposts once there are 5 outposts that have activated the tunnels.

• Tunnels will spawn outposts -2 to +2 of the tunnel level.

• The average level of outpost spawned or respawned by a follow-up is a function of the average level of player offense levels within 4.5 spaces of the tunnel. What this means is that as the average player offense level increases around a tunnel, the probability increases for higher level outposts. General rule of thumb is if the average player offense level is below the tunnels level, the outposts spawned will be -1 or -2 of the tunnel level. If the average offense level is above the level of the tunnel, the tunnel will spawn +1 or +2 outposts.

General Tips and Tricks
* An outpost resources is approximately equal to a camps resources 2 levels higher. Example: Level 20 outpost resources = level 22 camp resources.
* Regardless of outpost or camp, the goal is to always 1-shot an outpost or camp.
* In general, shoot using under 1 hour of RT per outpost of camp.
* In general, 1-shot camps or outposts using 15CP or less. This is important early on as CP is the limiter in the early game, and RT tends to be the limiter in late game stages.
* In general, it's important to have at least 2 high level building takedown units equal to the level of outpost being hit. Example: Level 20 outpost should have 2 level 20 vertigos or firehawks.

Potential Changes to Farming
* I believe a new modification to farming in the new update may impact what is optimal for farming. In general, the change should increase efficiency to shoot camps vs outposts at level 50+ during the later stage of a world. Specifically, some worlds have camps respawn at -1/+2 of either defense or offense level (whichever is higher).

* Updated to show guidance is current for Patch 21.1
* Added: Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts.
* Added clarification of outpost respawns based on farming experience. 02FEB2022
* Added additional information on level of spawns under camp section. 02FEB2022
* Added general observation of what impacts outpost levels spawned. 02FEB2022
* Added new general tips and tricks section. 02FEB2022
* Added general rule of thumb of equivalent outpost to camp. 02FEB2022
* Updated to 21.4 Update. 02FEB2022

46 Replies

  • @EE_Elephterion,

    Could you provide some more guidance on this statement?

    4. The physical base level impacts the probability of what level of outpost is spawned.

    Specifically, does the average player base level influence the level of outposts spawned around a tunnel or does the average offense level of bases around a tunnel influence the level of outposts spawned?

  • Greetings commander,

    the level of the Outposts generated near a Tunnel Exit depends on the level of said Tunnel and is randomly pick from the Level +/- 2.
  • "EE_Elephterion;c-2228307" wrote:
    Greetings commander,

    the level of the Outposts generated near a Tunnel Exit depends on the level of said Tunnel and is randomly pick from the Level +/- 2.

    This seems to be contrary to some observations by other players. Please see chertosha's observations.

    "chertosha;c-2160026" wrote:
    the camps spawn within distance 6.5 of the base while for camps max of defense (D) and offense (O) is what matters, for outposts only base offense levels (O) matter (not base buildings, not defense), also rounded down to whole numbers my most recent experience has been that tunnels (level T) spawn in the range if O=T so I doubt that the average of offenses that activate a tunnel has an impact at all with the most recent update (at least on PTE) outposts spawn if O>=T-7, and the levels of camps and outposts are now reported with precision 0.01, so it is easier to check which base/tunnel a camp/outposts was spawned by

    His observation shows that player offense levels have an impact on the probability of what level outpost is spawned. Can you confirm this observation? Thank you again for responding!

  • F1jjYR3's avatar
    Rising Vanguard
    2 years ago
    once you are high enough level to activate a tunnel you can cause outposts about 2-3 levels of your base level to appear. i imagine there are situations where they can be higher. while another base with a higher level can cause higher level outposts to appear that can attack you.
  • Does move recovery effect outposts spawning. Example if 5 bases are on tunnel 1 moves 1 space but stays on tunnel does activation reset.
  • Statistically it seems to have little effect on the spawn rate but there are things that influence spawn rates significantly that are outside a player's control or comprehension strategically.
    So it's just hard to notice?

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