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Ruleset: Uprising vs Morale vs Forgotten Attacks
Can anyone explain to me each of the three rulesets? I haven't played the game in a long time, so how does uprising and Morale work? I'm aware of how Forgotten attacks work, and how often they hit. Frequency depends on the forgotten bases around a player. More forgotten bases means you are more likely to be attacked, and in consecutive waves. In your opinions which individual Ruleset are the hardest and which double combination makes them even harder?EinarThePillager7 days agoSeasoned Ace301Views0likes6CommentsForgotten attack frequency
The mods have recently been given this information by the developers to share: "A while back there was a question about the time after the Forgotten will attack (same accounts for the time between 2 attack waves). Technically this can range from anything between 40 minutes and 48h. But. the upper limit is less likely to achieve (means you have no surrounding NPCs base (within a radius of 10 fields) and you're arriving with exactly 1 player base. "14Views0likes0CommentsSupported languages?
AHQ had a list of supported languages and anything posted in a 'non-supported' language was highlighted by pointing out that responses and postings should be in the supported languages. So far there has been no official word on what languages are 'supported' on these forums. In the absence any official word, I re-post the AHQ list suitably edited to reflect the new situation: Forum Languages: At the moment the following languages will be supported here for Tiberium Alliances. English German Other languages may also be posted, replies will be in English. Deutsch Español Français Русский форум Português Jezyk polski Italian Nederlands I am unaware of plans for these languages going forward although it has been suggested there may, in time, be a German Language forum as was the case in the past and is the case on AHQ. Whilst many games are supported in different languages by their own AnswersHQ and EA staff who speak that language as their first language, here in Tiberium Alliances we have a German AHQ and an International Forum aka English. At present there is no German language forum for Tiberium Alliances and it is recommended that you continue to post in AHQ until the official position is made clear. A German language forum has now been opened on the EA Forums. Posts here should be made in English here (and in German in the German Forum). If you wish, post in both your own language and in English. Google translate works well with many languages and there are other translation options on the internet for many languages. Answers will only be given in English, generally with either American or British spelling of words101Views1like1CommentHow your Offense Level is calculated
Level Calculation For calculating the Offense Level of your army, the value of every unit is considered and transferred into an arbitrary score. That score is based on the level, its Army Point Cost and a magic number that acts as a modifier to balance powerful units against weaker units. That score then gets calculated against a theoretical army score on a given level to find out how close you are to your army’s hypothetical power potential of that level. Unit Score First, the individual score of every of your fielded units is calculated. All Unit Scores add up to the final Player Army Score Offense Level Modifiers The strongest units of a faction have a magic number they bring into the formula. This ensures that, due to their power, these units are also weighted heavier in the calculation of the Offense Level. GDI Offense Level Modifiers: Commando: 2,6 Mammoth: 2,6 Juggernaut: 1,5 Kodiak: 2,6 Nod Offense Level Modifiers: Confessor: 1,5 Commando: 2,4 Avatar: 1,5 Specter: 2,6 Salamander: 2,6 Any unit not listed can be assumed to have an OLM of 0 (in words: Zero) Theoretical Army Score For calculating the Final Army level another value is needed, the value of an theoretical army using all available army points and has all units at its available max level. This does not take the magical numbers of the OLM into account. Army Score Fraction Before the Final Army Level, a Fraction is calculated based on the Player Army Score compared against the Theoretical Army Score of a given level. The game calculates the Theoretical Army Score from level 1 to 200 (just in case) and then checks the Player Army Score against that array of values. The TAS that is the next lower value to the PAS is then chosen as the Theoretical Army Score for the calculation. Both are subtracted with the TAS that is one level below the TAS corresponding to the PAS. Final Army Level Ultimately the Final Army Level is calculated with the formula below and rounded to two digits after the comma. If the TAS and PAS are identical, this value will return 1, which will result in an even Offense Level equal to the Command Center level, as intended. In some rare cases the Offense level may exceed the CC level. That is when fielding only endgame units with an OLM greater than 0 (see list) in a low-level army; like 6x level 10 Salamanders at a level 10 CC. Naturally, the mix of units is what ultimately decides the effectiveness of your army in combat, not the raw Offense Level alone. The strongest units won't be worth their repair costs if they are not used effectively.1.4KViews1like2CommentsForgotten Attacks missing
I can't find thread on mechanics of Forgotten Attacks that was in old forums. Is there any way to see it here? How many attacks per day? Minimum time between attacks? When attack comes after moving base? There was probably more answers than I recall 🙂1KViews0likes4CommentsThe Ultimate Guide to Forgotten Attacks v0.5
With the permission from @gamerdruid I am reposting this guide from the "old" forums: Hi everybody, this guide is written for players who already know new economy. If you already played on the Beta server or not does not matter. The Guide will be completed step by step. Content: 1. What is new? 2. Forgotten Attacks 2.1 Forgotten Attack Levels 2.2 Attack Waves 2.3 Frequency 2.4 Units 3. Defenses against Forgotten Attacks 3.1 GDI 3.2 NOD 4. Account management 4.1 Main Base Selection 4.2 Second Offenses 4.3 Cash/Ress Bases 5. Game phases 5.1 First days 5.2 Early game 5.3 Mid game 5.4 Late game 5.5 End game 6. Conclusion 1. What is new? Forgotten Attack Forgotten Boost is disabled RP Farming is fixed 2. Forgotten Attacks Every base gets attacked. You MUST build defenses on every base. Every forgotten base has a certain setup of units. Its comparable to your own bases. One base does not have 3 mammoths in the first attack and 5 in another attack. The attack layout can vary during the attack waves. The timespan between two attacks is long enough to fully repair when your DF is not damaged. That does not count for PVP. It is possible that you get attacked while you attack another player. 2.1: Attack Levels: The attack levels are based on the bases that attack. A level 30 forgotten base has level 29-31 units. 2.2: Attack Waves: At a certain number of forgotten bases in your attack range the forgotten start to attack in waves. That means once an attack is finished they start the next one. You have no chance to repair your units. 0 - 19 bases: 1 wave 20 - 29 bases: 2 waves 30 - 39 bases: 3 waves 40 - 49 bases: 4 waves 50+ bases: 5 waves the border between 4 and 5 waves is not 100% secure. There were no 5 waves seen at bases with 50 bases in range, but many 5 waves with 51 bases in range. Though we saw quite some 4 wave attacks from 52 and even 53 bases in range. 2.3 Attack frequency: The attack frequency depends on many factors. A random factor is always included. At least one attack every 16 hours (if not the game is bugged. Happened often for a long time on the Beta) Number of forgotten bases around you: In a 5-wave zone you get more often attacks from forgotten than in a 3-wave zone. In a 5-wave zone you get ~5-10 attacks per day à 5 waves (so a total of 25-50 waves per day). In a 3-wave zone you get 2-5 attacks per day à 3 waves (6-15 waves per day). Campers are punished: Sounds like from another game, but if you stay on one spot in a 4-wave zone the frequency of attacks drops. In our observations it did not happen before 24 hours. So keep in move. 2.4 Units The forgotten offenses get more and more unit types with rising levels. Just like in defenses. We did not keep track in the beginning so here the few that we tracked: lvl 24: Mammoth lvl 26: Commando lvl 28: Thumper (Juggernaut pendant) lvl 30: Dreadnough (Kodiak pendant) after that there are no new units and also no upgraded units (assuming the fortress itself does not attack - the guardian bases have no upgraded units) before the mammoth tank there were new unit types every two levels. 2.5 Ressource Payout Your major crystal income source are the forgotten attacks. If you want to keep up with your offense and defense levels you must stand in a 4-wave zone with your main base and endure the attacks. The rewards depend on the units used in the attacks and can vary by ~ 50%. To show the importance: Level 48 attacks give up to 200M crystal per wave. Assuming you stand in a 5 wave zone, 8 attacks per day and an average of 140M crystal per wave, than you have a crystal income of 233M/hr! The crystal income is usually higher now than the tib income of your own bases. 3. Defenses against Forgotten Attacks Without forgotten attacks good defense layouts were a kind of goodie, but would not make you discard a good tib-layout. That changed with the forgotten attacks. You need at least a medium - good defense layout. A really good defense layout to a medium one is worth more than a secound 5-touch tib in your main base (in case you intend to switch main bases). PVE defenses vary much from PVP defenses as the AI is not very clever. It attacks in certain schemas and focusses attacks on key buildings. Usually the first two attack lines are weaker than the last two. Heavy structure busters mostly appear on the last line. Knowing this you can build very effective PVE defenses. Pure crystal defenses are much weaker against forgotten. You can do this, but expect that you need your defense about 2 levels higher than a tib/crystal defense. In general you want a frontline where you can concentrate your defense fire on. This would be an ideal front row. The first 3 attack lines usually die at the walls, the fourth one has 2.5 range structure buster and kills your walls + towers. They die by the units behind the wall/tower line. As a rule of thumb you can rate your defense like this: 4 waves: Your defense can hold attacks 6 level higher than your defense 3 waves: Your defense can hold attacks 7-8 level higher than your defense 2 waves: Your defense can hold attacks 9-10 level higher than your defense 1 wave: Your defense can hold attacks 10-11 level higher than your defense You have some time to get the researches done for those defenses as not all unit types attack from the beginning on. But now defense upgrades have the same priority as offense upgrades. Once you managed to set up a wall/tower defense your defense gets much stronger. One disadvantage at those defenses are the tib costs. Usually it does not pay off to build a pure crystal defense as DHQ and DF have high tib costs itself. But it might be an option for PVP players, as crystal defenses still work very well in PVP. A more extreme PVE setup that is highly dependent from the defense layout and also the base layout itself (forgotten attack focus on certain base buildings) This defense can hold 7-8 levels above its defense level. With a defense level of 40,5 attacks from level 48 bases can be safely held. 3.1 GDI GDI defenses have a disadvantage until you can research the Zone Trooper upgrade. This upgrade is a game changer. The disadvantages are the weak anti vehicle tower, as well as the 1.5 range anti air infantry. In the beginning you need a whole level more in defense as a GDI player to keep up with NOD players. (note for developers: That would be a point to improve balance!) Once you got the Zone Trooper upgrade you can start to switch to a crystal defense with some anti air towers. From that point on you have a big advantage to NOD as you can build good defenses with less tib. 3.2 NOD NOD defenses have an advantage at the beginning until GDI players get their Zone Trooper upgrade. Build defenses like in the two graphics above. Key is to concentrate fire to kill the first three attack lines without losing much defense. 4. Account management As already advised for new eco: Change your main base unless you get a 5-touch Tib or better as your start base (which hardly ever happens) 4.1 Main Base Selection With the Forgotten Attacks the priorities for new Main Base change again. On new economy you looked for a great tib layout and a decent power layout. On the forgotten attack worlds this is changing. Its the easiest to explain in numbers with a quality matrix: 1. Power Layout: weighed 35% You need a lot of Power. Its not as crucial as in old eco, but the Forgotten Attacks give you an incredible amount of crystal if you know how to place your main base. You want to use this crystal to get a strong offense and defense which brings you more of all the other ress types in the end too. 2. Tib production: weighed 30% Its nice and gives you a good boost in the beginning, but gets less important when you get more and more bases. But still Tib is a key ressource in the game. 3. Defense layout: weighed 35% At least get a layout with a good defense layout. A bad defense layout can cause in having you level the main defense 2-3 levels higher than a good defense with the same result against the forgotten attacks. DHQ and DF cost a lot, same as a 2 level higher defense, so the defense layout of your main can determine your long time success on a server. In the late game this focus changes for GDI, but as you play the most time of the server without a Zone Trooper upgrade I would still go for this weighing. To give you a better idea of what I mean I prepared an example: Lets take my main base on the Beta server: and (yes the tower and the wall in the left back of the defense are really needed. For some mysterious reason they send up to 3 mammoth on the top left lane right into that wall.) I'll take a scala from 1-10 Power: 9/10 (2x8-touch power circle, 2x 7-touch power with 8 double used power plants) Tib: 9/10 (1x5 touch tib, 1x4 touch tib + 1x5 touch mixed and 1x4 touch mixed Defense: 5/10 a 3x2 (3 width, 2 height - rectangle) defense field on the front right position, but thats all. The Wall/Tower defense line is not a good one here. It works and it also holds okay, but even with a 43 defense I get building damage from forgotten from time to time against level 48 offenses. So this base would be 76% perfect Its better to take a little worse layout tib-wise and therefore getting a much better defense layout. Even though defense layout is weighed higher than tib layout I would not take less than a 2x4 touch tib for your main base. 4.2 Second Offenses Without forgotten boost and by that without morale stuff second offenses start to make real sense for PVE players again. You don't need a full scaled army for your second offense. A few high level ones that take down a base once the DF is dead to save RT on your main base are already worth the efford. Push a defense in that base first. Get it high enough that it survives in a 4 wave zone and build a strong power production in there. You will get a lot of crystal in that base with which you can level a new defense. Know that the defense only repays in crystal. There is no way to get back tib from a second offense. The layout for a second offense base should be like the one for a main base. 4.3 Cash/Ress Bases Thats about the same as in new eco. A little bonus would be a layout that is compact. If you don't need to cover a few lanes on one side with your defense it is easier to defend forgotten attacks. Defenses are more important than on new eco, so a few mixed mixed 4-touch silos or a mixed 5-touch are no bad choice. A good alliance usually keeps a certain defense level in all their bases anyways which requires some crystal production, so for those players nothing changes. We tried to keep at least a 3:1 ratio, better a 2,5:1 ratio in tib:crystal production. (125M tib and 50M crystal) Otherwise you cannot keep your cash bases close and have to pay big amounts of cash for transferring ressources. But still Tib is the key, so just a mixed 5-touch and no other 4- or 5-touch tibs are worth hardly anything. 5. Game phases 5.1 First days You get no real forgotten attacks until the bubbles (newbie protection) drop or you move too deep into the forgotten. I can't tell how much is "too deep". That feature was introduced after our first weeks to prevent players from placing bubble-bases next to POIs to hold them without being attacked. (maybe it was just announced but never introduced) Lets assume you find no way to pop your bubble before the regular time. The bubble time is pretty much the same as in new economy. You try to level up your account as fast as possible and try to get the ressource POIs early and quickly. The rush for base 2 is as important as it was in new eco: High priority, but don't sell your production to get it a few hours earlier. Things then change 2 days before the bubble is done. At this time you level your offense no longer. You start leveling your defense. Goal is to have a defense two levels higher than your offense. Once the bubbles are down you move your main base carefully deeper into the forgotten until your defense just holds the attacks without building damage. Once you can hold 4 waves the First Days episode is finished 5.2 Early game Things that stay the same: - Rush for POIs - Rush for highest productions - Rush for a good territory and proper digg lines New: - Rush for defense levels Old and not needed: - Rush for offense levels If you want to grow quickest possible you focus on getting your defense up as quickly as possible. Each offense level higher that you can hold gives you 25% more crystal income. If a level 15 base gives you 10k crystal per wave, then a level 16 base gives you 12.5k per wave and so on. Higher defense level means higher crystal income. The crystal income will be so high, that you can do the offense upgrades on the fly. Focus is on rushing the defense levels. It is a good sign if your defense is 2 and more levels higher than your offense. It repays. Keep an eye on your mid and long time performance and don't rush offense levels with the hope to get a POI earlier. At least not too often. Economy: Focus on tib production and build power. A lot of power. No priority at all has your crystal production at this stage in your main base. In cash bases a crystal production is senseful to rise the defense levels there too. You want your cash bases close by to save cash. And besides that forgotten attack your cash bases too. Depending on where it survives you can get a nice extra crystal income which you can use to push your main some more. Research: The forgotten start sending certain units at certain levels (see above at the forgotten unit list) You need to research according defense units. When the forgotten attack you with snipers you need to counter those units. Forgotten get: Snipers You research: Snipers Forgotten get: Mammoth You research: Beam Cannon / Zone Trooper Forgotten get: Duster (Firehawk pendant) You research: Militant Rocket Squad / Pitbull Everybody needs to be at the frontline. Group players by their defense levels. It sucks for players to stay in 2 or 3 wave zones. 5.3 Mid game Things calm down. You find a balance between offense and defense. The success of your own account is determined by your tib production and your defense level. With tib you can build power and with the crystal income from your defense you can build offense units. Main focus here is to get the highest possible POIs while keeping all players in 4-wave zones with their main bases. 5.4 Late game Rush for the center is part of this phase. Make sure you have the highest POI bonus. Today (10.07.) we got the first attacks from a Guardian Base (level 50) By this you should level your defenses first before moving close to a guardian base. Alternatively you can shoot the area down to 3 waves. 6. Conclusion The forgotten attacks are a great new feature making the game interesting for all those who know old- and new economy well enough. A major change to the game play is that wars are much more difficult now. Everyone has strong defenses now and much weaker offenses. War against weaker alliances are still easy, same as wars against alliances not standing in defense clusters.ee_skyfyre82 years agoEnvision Team1.9KViews0likes0CommentsFirestorm 22 and jumping sectors
The start time is 12noon UTC and it is a small world. When we've had a small world in the past it has resulted in no path or few paths from the edge of the world to the playing area. This has resulted in players who jump early in the game being stuck and unable to move forward to the rest of the alliance. If you end up in the wrong sector, or simply wish to jump to a different sector, look carefully at the edge of the world for gaps in the 'landing zones' for new bases. The first players in each sector will be close to the playing area and as time moves on the newly landed players will fill from the centre of the sector. The advice I give to everyone is, be cautious if you jump sectors at the start of a world!!!1.1KViews1like2CommentsMechanics of Spawning Camps and Outposts
Current as of 21.4 Update Spawning Mechanics of Camps Camps are spawned by any base that has an army in it regardless of whether a base has a CC or not. The level of camps is the maximum of either the defense or offense level rounded down. E.G. – Level 29.9 defense will be considered level 29 defense and thus spawn level 28 through Level 32 camps. Camps levels that are spawned are between -1 and + 3 of the highest level between offense or defense. E.G. – Player base has level 20 offense level and level 25 defense level. Forgotten camps that are spawned will be between level 24 and level 28. At Level 50 and higher, camps are spawned at -1 to 0 of the highest of defense or offense level or some worlds now have -1/+2 (this favors shooting camps over outposts on these worlds after level 50). Every base with an offense will spawn two camps after the first farming quests are done at the start of the server (typically 10 total shots on the Forgotten). Currently, the level of camps spawned is purely random between the ranges. Unlike outposts, the player's base level does not impact the probability of higher level camps spawning. Spawning Mechanics of Outposts Tunnels are activated by any offense that is -6 levels or above of the tunnel level and within 4.5 spaces of tunnel. Example: Level 20 tunnel is activated by any offense with level 14 or higher. A tunnel is fully activated by 5 bases with the right offense level (25% probability outpost spawn every hour with 100% probability spawn every hour with 5 bases). A tunnel needs to be fully activated to guarantee spawning an outpost every hour. A tunnel will spawn an outpost up to 6.5 spaces away from the tunnel that is activated. The maximum number of visible outposts visible for a tunnel is 10. That means a fully activated tunnel will have a total of 10 outposts visibly spawned, with the remaining outposts that have been "spawned" waiting in "queue". That's assuming a tunnel has been activated for more than 10 hours. Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts. This has been confirmed. Once a tunnel is fully activated, there are unlimited respawns of OPs. Camps do not impact the ability to spawn outposts. Low offense levels do not impact the spawning of outposts once there are 5 outposts that have activated the tunnels. Tunnels will spawn outposts -2 to +2 of the tunnel level. The average level of outpost spawned or respawned by a follow-up is a function of the average level of player offense levels within 4.5 spaces of the tunnel. What this means is that as the average player offense level increases around a tunnel, the probability increases for higher level outposts. General rule of thumb is if the average player offense level is below the tunnels level, the outposts spawned will be -1 or -2 of the tunnel level. If the average offense level is above the level of the tunnel, the tunnel will spawn +1 or +2 outposts. General Tips and Tricks An outpost resources is approximately equal to a camps resources 2 levels higher. Example: Level 20 outpost resources = level 22 camp resources. * Regardless of outpost or camp, the goal is to always 1-shot an outpost or camp. In general, shoot using under 1 hour of RT per outpost of camp. In general, 1-shot camps or outposts using 15CP or less. This is important early on as CP is the limiter in the early game, and RT tends to be the limiter in late game stages. In general, it's important to have at least 2 high level building takedown units equal to the level of outpost being hit. Example: Level 20 outpost should have 2 level 20 vertigos or firehawks. Potential Changes to Farming I believe a new modification to farming in the new update may impact what is optimal for farming. In general, the change should increase efficiency to shoot camps vs outposts at level 50+ during the later stage of a world. Specifically, some worlds have camps respawn at -1/+2 of either defense or offense level (whichever is higher). Changelog: Updated to show guidance is current for Patch 21.1 Added: Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts. Added clarification of outpost respawns based on farming experience. 02FEB2022 Added additional information on level of spawns under camp section. 02FEB2022 Added general observation of what impacts outpost levels spawned. 02FEB2022 Added new general tips and tricks section. 02FEB2022 Added general rule of thumb of equivalent outpost to camp. 02FEB2022 Updated to 21.4 Update. 02FEB2022 Moved to 12NOV20231.7KViews1like1CommentTiberium Field Manual (from old forum)
Something linked to in the old forum that may still be relevant: Tiberium Alliances Field Manual - Home ( As noted in the old forum it looks like a work in progress, where progress stopped! There's a blank chapter but for new players may be useful generally. It doesn't deal with Morale/Malus or Forgotten Attacks.1.2KViews0likes0Comments"Too many redirects' Error - one work around (From Forum)
The 'too many redirects' error in Chrome & Firefox seems to affect many non-US players. My workaround is to add: ?langPreferred=en_US to the end of the url for each world. As an additional route in I also use: If you're logged in already that will take you to the page to choose your worlds and a button to start a new world.1.1KViews1like0CommentsGeneral Farming Guidance FOR NOD Players
**Since WCS 2023 will be a morale world...farming season approaches. This guide is to help players of all skill levels. This should be taken as general guidance, and higher skill players will likely deviate based on individual play. Please reach out or post below for additional tips, tricks, techniques, and anything else you wish to discuss. For GDI players that have figured out farming perhaps posting a guide using the format below will be useful. :)** This farming guide is broken up into milestones related to army units researched. It also assumes all SP is used for CP. That means an account needs to be fully funded. Below are other assumptions that are important: 1. Average of 15 CP per OP is used. General guidance is to kill your OP-chain regardless of distance because the average RT used will generally be around 15 CP per OP if a player kills every OP in their OP chain. 2. Max RT used per 1-shot OP should be 1-hour or less. As player level increase, SP for CP increases. This leads to RT used per OP to decrease down to around 30 minutes per OP on average. On average means that majority of shots should be low, but some higher usage of RT can be used. This applies to average CP per OP as well. 3. All OPs are 1-shot only. No exceptions. 4. Farm area is fully utilized which means bases can’t be moved easily to squish bad OPs for a better OP. 5. This is for NOD only accounts 6. Army design is based on shooting all OPs spawned. That means this guide is not used for players wishing to be fully optimal in shooting OPs. Additionally, this guide is designed for a player to be consistent, spend as little time farming and simming to farm which leads to sustainable farming and reduces farming burnout. 7. Offense Research is prioritized over base building and rank. 8. The ranges in levels should be used as guides based on RT usage and ease of taking down OPs. 9. Distraction units are extremely important. 10. The army build type is helpful for farming, but also for digging when needed. It follows the concept of increasing army points as fast as possible, with a few select high level units, some mid-level units, and the rest to be low level and distraction level units. Mid-level and low-level units should be used as shields for the high level units. Before Vertigo 1. If morale worlds have malus at +4: Use least amount of CP per RP to gain vertigos. Usually, this means building an army to level 8-9 and activate level 14 or 15 tunnels. The goal here is to maximize RP per shot and finish an OP within 3 hits or less. 2. If morale worlds have malus at +7: Use least amount of CP per RP to gain vertigos. Usually, this means building an army to level 8-9 and shooting level 16-17 bases. After Vertigo 2. The goal is to get Command Center to equal the tunnel level (level 15) as fast as possible, and to level 2 vertigos to level 14-15 as quickly as possible. Keep all other units equal to or under level 8. 3. From this point forward, 1-shot OP rule is mandatory. No camps. Ever. 4. Drop down to shoot level 10-12 OPs if level 13 – 14 OPs are not 1-shots. 5. During this phase Base 2 should dropped, and RP for scorpions should be researched. After Scorpion 1. Scorpions should be researched once level 14 and level 15 OPs are being shot. Scorpions increase the range of OPs that can be easily 1-shot. The goal is to have 1 scorpion equal to the level of OP or minus 2 level (for example, level 14 OP = Level 12 or 14 scorpion). 2. At this point it is also helpful to have 1 venom that is high level similar to scorpion (for example, level 14 OP = Level 12 or 14 venom). At this point the tunnel activated is a level 16. That means a players account should have CC = level 16, 2 vertigos = level 14, 1 scorpion = level 12 – 14, 1 venom = level 12 -14. A player should also be working to have Airport = between Command Center level and – 4 levels of Command Center (for example, CC = level 16. Have airport between level 12 – 16. At minimum, the level of RT buildings should equal the level of highest non-building take down unit (scorpion, venom, cobra, etc) 3. After scorpion is researched, push for B3. After B3, push for cobra and cobra shield. After Cobras 1. Cobras are extremely important to combat flak towers before salamanders are researched. However, the catch is that at least 2 cobras need to be +2 levels of flak towers. That means if a flak tower is level 20. At least 2 cobras need to be level 22. 2. At this point, it is important to increase airport to equal the level of Cobra at minimum. If cobras = level 22 then the airport needs to be level 22 to level 24. If RT is an issue (especially before shields) consider investing in airport that is 2 levels higher than cobras. 3. This may be controversial, and it is selective on cred production, and cred from farming, but the next important offense research after cobra shield should be sniper, salamander, and then 4th base. However, this is dependent on play. Some players would rather run with a few high level cobras for most of server to drop bases faster. This all depends on play style. However, the key trick to remember is that more offense researches = more options to shoot OPs with 1 shot. This helps clear crappy OPs that would be hard to shoot from the farm area. 4. Also consider that defense researches will be needed and that it would be wise to have SW on all bases 100 percent of the time. This is insurance against surprise PvP and will also reduce spies from determining if PvP will happen since many alliances start building SW before PvP. If SW is required for all bases at a specified level, it eliminates this signal and makes it harder for challengers to plan for PvP. Some Other Tips and Tricks 1. Identify easy NOD OPs to shoot. a. Construction Yard at edge of the of the Forgotten base layout. b. Preferably, no air defense units or structures in line to the Construction Yard or air defense units or structures can be lured to one side and/or defeated by existing offense units. c. Once flak towers are unescapable, high level cobras can severely hurt these flaks, and vertigos along with vertigo shields can be used to bypass and kill CY. 2. As offense POIs are gained, usually only 2 high level vertigos will still be needed. When Salamanders are researched fully with heal, usually 1 high level vertigo will be needed. 3. Salamander should be researched before level 30 outposts. This will enable a player to hit more OPs with 1 shot. Until then, high level shielded cobras should be used to take down or be used as shields for forgotten flak towers. 4. When Salamander re-heal is researched should be based on how effectively RT is being used. Salamanders use up a lot of RT. A player must account for the high RT costs through a higher airport level until salamander re-heal is researched. Preferably, I would push for this upgrade before base 5 or 6. 5. If players will not fully fund or spend SP on CP then CP cost per OP becomes extremely important. In fact, its a trade off between time and CP usage. A player should aim for 13 CP per OP or less if costs to buy CP from SP is prohibitive. But this usually means waiting and giving up on OP-chains if OPs spawn out of the 13 CP range. That's the trade off.613Views1like4CommentsMechanics of Spawning Camps and Outposts
Current as of 21.4 Update Spawning Mechanics of Camps • Camps are spawned by any base that has an army in it regardless of whether a base has a CC or not. • The level of camps is the maximum of either the defense or offense level rounded down. E.G. – Level 29.9 defense will be considered level 29 defense and thus spawn level 28 through Level 32 camps. • Camps levels that are spawned are between -1 and + 3 of the highest level between offense or defense. E.G. – Player base has level 20 offense level and level 25 defense level. Forgotten camps that are spawned will be between level 24 and level 28. • At Level 50 and higher, camps are spawned at -1 to 0 of the highest of defense or offense level or some worlds now have -1/+2 (this favors shooting camps over outposts on these worlds after level 50). • Every base with an offense will spawn two camps after the first farming quests are done at the start of the server (typically 10 total shots on the Forgotten). • Currently, the level of camps spawned is purely random between the ranges. Unlike outposts, the player's base level does not impact the probability of higher level camps spawning. Spawning Mechanics of Outposts • Tunnels are activated by any offense that is -6 levels or above of the tunnel level and within 4.5 spaces of tunnel. Example: Level 20 tunnel is activated by any offense with level 14 or higher. • A tunnel is fully activated by 5 bases with the right offense level (25% probability outpost spawn every hour with 100% probability spawn every hour with 5 bases). A tunnel needs to be fully activated to guarantee spawning an outpost every hour. • A tunnel will spawn an outpost up to 6.5 spaces away from the tunnel that is activated. • The maximum number of visible outposts visible for a tunnel is 10. That means a fully activated tunnel will have a total of 10 outposts visibly spawned, with the remaining outposts that have been "spawned" waiting in "queue". That's assuming a tunnel has been activated for more than 10 hours. • Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts. This has been confirmed. Once a tunnel is fully activated, there are unlimited respawns of OPs. • Camps do not impact the ability to spawn outposts. • Low offense levels do not impact the spawning of outposts once there are 5 outposts that have activated the tunnels. • Tunnels will spawn outposts -2 to +2 of the tunnel level. • The average level of outpost spawned or respawned by a follow-up is a function of the average level of player offense levels within 4.5 spaces of the tunnel. What this means is that as the average player offense level increases around a tunnel, the probability increases for higher level outposts. General rule of thumb is if the average player offense level is below the tunnels level, the outposts spawned will be -1 or -2 of the tunnel level. If the average offense level is above the level of the tunnel, the tunnel will spawn +1 or +2 outposts. General Tips and Tricks * An outpost resources is approximately equal to a camps resources 2 levels higher. Example: Level 20 outpost resources = level 22 camp resources. * Regardless of outpost or camp, the goal is to always 1-shot an outpost or camp. * In general, shoot using under 1 hour of RT per outpost of camp. * In general, 1-shot camps or outposts using 15CP or less. This is important early on as CP is the limiter in the early game, and RT tends to be the limiter in late game stages. * In general, it's important to have at least 2 high level building takedown units equal to the level of outpost being hit. Example: Level 20 outpost should have 2 level 20 vertigos or firehawks. Potential Changes to Farming * I believe a new modification to farming in the new update may impact what is optimal for farming. In general, the change should increase efficiency to shoot camps vs outposts at level 50+ during the later stage of a world. Specifically, some worlds have camps respawn at -1/+2 of either defense or offense level (whichever is higher). Changelog: * Updated to show guidance is current for Patch 21.1 * Added: Based on several tests and experiences from other players, an outpost will spawn an unlimited amount of follow-up outposts after the associated tunnel is fully activated and has 10 spawned outposts. * Added clarification of outpost respawns based on farming experience. 02FEB2022 * Added additional information on level of spawns under camp section. 02FEB2022 * Added general observation of what impacts outpost levels spawned. 02FEB2022 * Added new general tips and tricks section. 02FEB2022 * Added general rule of thumb of equivalent outpost to camp. 02FEB2022 * Updated to 21.4 Update. 02FEB20224.8KViews1like46CommentsHow your Offense Level is calculated
Level Calculation For calculating the Offense Level of your army, the value of every unit is considered and transferred into an arbitrary score. That score is based on the level, its Army Point Cost and a magic number that acts as a modifier to balance powerful units against weaker units. That score then gets calculated against a theoretical army score on a given level to find out how close you are to your army’s hypothetical power potential of that level. Unit Score First, the individual score of every of your fielded units is calculated. All Unit Scores add up to the final Player Army Score Offense Level Modifiers The strongest units of a faction have a magic number they bring into the formula. This ensures that, due to their power, these units are also weighted heavier in the calculation of the Offense Level. GDI Offense Level Modifiers: Commando: 2,6 Mammoth: 2,6 Juggernaut: 1,5 Kodiak: 2,6 Nod Offense Level Modifiers: Confessor: 1,5 Commando: 2,4 Avatar: 1,5 Specter: 2,6 Salamander: 2,6 Any unit not listed can be assumed to have an OLM of 0 (in words: Zero) Theoretical Army Score For calculating the Final Army level another value is needed, the value of an theoretical army using all available army points and has all units at its available max level. This does not take the magical numbers of the OLM into account. Army Score Fraction Before the Final Army Level, a Fraction is calculated based on the Player Army Score compared against the Theoretical Army Score of a given level. The game calculates the Theoretical Army Score from level 1 to 200 (just in case) and then checks the Player Army Score against that array of values. The TAS that is the next lower value to the PAS is then chosen as the Theoretical Army Score for the calculation. Both are subtracted with the TAS that is one level below the TAS corresponding to the PAS. Final Army Level Ultimately the Final Army Level is calculated with the formula below and rounded to two digits after the comma. If the TAS and PAS are identical, this value will return 1, which will result in an even Offense Level equal to the Command Center level, as intended. In some rare cases the Offense level may exceed the CC level. That is when fielding only endgame units with an OLM greater than 0 (see list) in a low-level army; like 6x level 10 Salamanders at a level 10 CC. Naturally, the mix of units is what ultimately decides the effectiveness of your army in combat, not the raw Offense Level alone. The strongest units won't be worth their repair costs if they are not used effectively.3.9KViews1like43CommentsQuestion of Deleting worlds
Hello to all. I am wondering why we see all of our conquered worlds within the option of games. Is there a possability of given the choice to delete those that you have completed or you just don't want to revisit them anymore. johnojohno3some3 years agoSeasoned Rookie136Views0likes3CommentsGuidance on Infected Challenges
I wanted to create a central topic for all things related to infected challenges. 1. Infected NPCs are spawned by placing bases with offense levels equal or greater than -6 of POIs within 4.5 spaces of the POI. Similar to spawning outposts. 2. For a POI to be fully activated for unlimited follow-ups of Infected NPCs, 5 bases within the proper offense levels must be within 4.5 spaces of the POI. 3. Once 35,000 NPCs (or whatever maximum is stated in the challenge screen) are spawned world wide, no more Infected NPCs will be spawned. That means it is best to quickly spawn and destroy the NPCs to ensure the maximum benefit of RT and CP is realized. My advice (if mainly after RT benefit) is to move to a lower level POI where you can easily shoot every single Infected NPC to quickly gain as much RT as possible. The CP cost is minimal since each Infected NPC also provides a certain amount of CP. The main bonus is RT. Shoot at the lowest cost possible, and if you have the funds, increase RT maximum to 7 days or so. This will allow you to have a nice RT buffer for PVP/PVE. Please post other tips and other aspects of Infected challenges here. I'll aggregate the information and update this post.94Views0likes0Comments