Mine is fixed now - After not seeing anythig for a week (The 16th is when I first tried to get a resolution from EA) I tried again yesterday. I have to say that the second try was much better (but not that great for a known issure on EA's side). Waited 10 min for a chat on Friday night (not bad) but the chat was 40 min which should have been about 10. Got this from him ..."i got to know that this error is getting by a lot of Titanfall customers, but there is nothing you need to worry about. I am escalating the case to our specialist team, so that they can fix the issue for you."
I got an email from them hour later to set up a call the next day to fix - replied to call me when they could as I would be avaiable all durring the time frame he game me. He replied with in an hour with a time and called exactly at the time he said he would. He confirmed some details and said that it might take a liitle before I could play but asked if I could try now. I still got the same error but said I would try later. It's working now. EA seams bad at getting help to start, but once you get someone I have high reguards for the people I talked to once I actually got someone.