Forum Discussion

afbutters's avatar
13 years ago

200 Donuts..

Bus gets you Otto.
Donuts lets Homer eat donuts for a few minutes. Yawn.
  • Only get lard lad when you have plenty of donuts to spare. It's practically just a decoration.
    Otto on the other hand may be one of the best premium items in my opinion. He seems to be everyone's favorite on this forum.
  • jofre_nash's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    ChAirForceKilla wrote:
    I somehow went from like 80 to 200 donuts so should I get the Lard Donuts place or the crashed school bus. Or something else??

    Remember, premium characters produce more in each task than normal characters. So, why are you still reading this and not getting Otto?
  • The one that produce the most cash.
    Finks lab with professor Fink.
    Volcano lair with Hank Scorpio
    Duffman with Duff brewery
    Otta with the bus.
    Spoiled for choice really.

  • I like how my 20 Donuts magically went to 14 the other day, and how I never got the 60 free Donuts months ago when my Springfield got reset, and the Donuts a few weeks ago.

    My unlock of choice would be Otto. A sweet character, "building" generating XP and Cash..