Forum Discussion

lone_viper_wolf's avatar
8 years ago

50 Billion In Game Cash?

I came across this player who shared over at Addicts under Rags to Riches comments that are amazing and perplexing at the same time. She said she had amassed 50B in game cash over 5 years of honest play using lots of tapping and visiting before limits were introduced. She said many users had this amount or more than this during that time.

It took me maybe 3 years for me to hit 2.2 Billion in 2016 and then the game turned my cash money negative and then took all my cash in Dec 2016 when I amassed 4.3 Billion.

I am not familiar with the game design in the early days. Was this even possible back then? She was positive it was Billion and not Million. I thought that this is interesting for sharing as I never come across such a scenario before.
  • 50 Billion, definitely impossible. However Bill Gates has reached about $86 Billion real money, a staggering amount of money.
  • @BeLikeTheDude Dr Evil said that? :lol:

    @Muhsterino Thanks for digging out that link. I encountered the negative number in Nov 2016 I think. I believe the limit has always be in place. So I was confused when someone said that there were no limits in the beginning.

    @adruralo Bill Gates is really an amazing fellow. It is good that he is also a philanthropist.
  • This is a screenshot I last captured in Nov 2016. When I am playing with a negative cash position after I earned somewhere above 2 Billion. The position was driven all the way to zero in xmas 2016 as I continued to earn income. And I lost all the money, about 4.3B that day.

    EA closed my case without replying me when I asked them what was going on. Around 29 Mar 2017, EA finally resolved this bug in the game and money will no longer become negative above 2B. But once you hit 4.3B, it turns red and stops increasing.