Forum Discussion

gregp07's avatar
11 years ago

A premium decision

Sherri and terri would be my last choice.
  • 1 ) The film set is one of my favourites.
    2 ) Luann/factory which unlocks fleet a pita
    3 ) Sherri & Terri
  • I would go for first, the cracker factory and louanne, and secondly, sheri and terri.

    Mcbain's skin and his film set would be dead last for me :-)
  • gregp07 wrote:
    Help! Sorry guys for all the premium posts lately but I'm kinda stuck. There's three things that I want but can only get two, so which would you recommend? Sherri and terri, film set with mcBain, Luann and the cracker factory. With my limited amounts of donuts I want to get two? But which two?

    On a return on investment of dollars coming back to you per donut invested basis, I put Sherri & Terri and the Cracker Factory both ahead of the Film Set. When I was figuring out how to spend my donuts, I was surprised at this once I completed the math.
  • The film set and cracker factory. Sherry and Terry have no building and are a snooze fest.
  • gregp07 wrote:
    Help! Sorry guys for all the premium posts lately but I'm kinda stuck. There's three things that I want but can only get two, so which would you recommend? Sherri and terri, film set with mcBain, Luann and the cracker factory. With my limited amounts of donuts I want to get two? But which two?

    Honestly, I would wait to see what comes out Valentines Day. The items you listed aren't limited time, so there's no rush.
  • Luann and the Cracker Factory is a great pick up in terms of rewards. I guess the film set would be next in terms of aesthetics. Sherri and Terri seem like good picks because of the 200% payout but they don't seem to be getting much love.
  • ephphoneapps wrote:
    gregp07 wrote:
    Help! Sorry guys for all the premium posts lately but I'm kinda stuck. There's three things that I want but can only get two, so which would you recommend? Sherri and terri, film set with mcBain, Luann and the cracker factory. With my limited amounts of donuts I want to get two? But which two?

    Honestly, I would wait to see what comes out Valentines Day. The items you listed aren't limited time, so there's no rush.

    I second that, wait for Valentines day update, might be something good..
  • Get Luanne. You unlock Fleet-a-pita and it gives kirk a premium 8 hour task.