Forum Discussion

Briscowins's avatar
8 years ago

Anyone else get stuck...

In the "I'll just wait for the next land expansion" to redecorate, reorganize, redesign?
  • I get big unwieldy projects in my head. WEST SPRINGFIELD SHOULD BE NEW YORK! or I SHOULD MOVE LAS VEGAS OUT OF SH and then I do a chunk of it and leave behind empty space and rubble. *feels shame*
  • "louisobyrne;1508037" wrote:
    I get big unwieldy projects in my head. WEST SPRINGFIELD SHOULD BE NEW YORK! or I SHOULD MOVE LAS VEGAS OUT OF SH and then I do a chunk of it and leave behind empty space and rubble. *feels shame*

    I know the feeling there just isn't enough land unfortunately.
  • I consider myself in an extended item accumulation phase. Granted, I've been in this phase for like 2 years now, but I'm actually almost done...maybe 2-3 months more to go. The goal is to buy all the characters I can out of the premium store, and then I'll go about designing my town. I just didn't want to have to continually rebuild to accommodate new characters and buildings.
  • lucienleon519's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I design as I go, always have done and I'm happy with my town. The problem with all the events now is that the design of the town tends towards groupings or areas of event-related stuff. It does create a nice chronology reference I suppose, but prefer a more organic feel to my town.
  • "lucienleon519;1508144" wrote:
    I design as I go, always have done and I'm happy with my town. The problem with all the events now is that the design of the town tends towards groupings or areas of event-related stuff. It does create a nice chronology reference I suppose, but prefer a more organic feel to my town.

    I design as I go also, but I know what you mean. With the way the land is released, it's hard not to have a town that resembles an event strip mall. Sure happy that we now have the area select tool to move things...but I still end up with event related items together in most areas.
  • yep hoping for more buildings that are not or do not have to be grouped together in this next update.
  • "stinkbugger;1507608" wrote:
    It's not really a land-issue for me, it's a motivation issue. And I don't think I'm the only one.

    When I visit neighbors I see a fair amount of them who are active but who still have stuff from recent events just basically sitting around, items that obviously aren't "in place" yet.

    Back when there were new levels every three weeks or whatnot people would get a few buildings (and maybe a few premium ones) and then re-design with those until the next level update. Now we seem to have more events and mini events with a bunch of content that is basically dumped on us at once.

    Myself, I'm way behind. I still have Superheros II items just sitting around. Plus all the future stuff, and the new Halloween stuff. Etc. Ugh, where to begin!?!?

    This 100% for me... you can see where my town went from planned to dump zone lol
    And I'm scared to use the nuke town option cause I'm not 100% on what I got/could lose.