Forum Discussion

anonymous958's avatar
10 years ago

Atomic Sweet Spot, etc.

I agree... it does seem unnecessarily difficult to tap the atomic icons. Poorly implemented, but if that's the worst aspect of the event, I can live with it.
  • Very reminiscent of the aliens from THOH. I guess the devs finally figured out that we liked that. :lol:
  • Tazzy452 wrote:
    I have found that is you hit the base of the buildings instead of the atoms it is much quicker. :)

    I have been doing the same although I usually have to double or triple tap.
  • 24rsava24 wrote:
    Tazzy452 wrote:
    I have found that is you hit the base of the buildings instead of the atoms it is much quicker. :)

    I have been doing the same although I usually have to double or triple tap.

  • 24rsava24 wrote:
    Tazzy452 wrote:
    I have found that is you hit the base of the buildings instead of the atoms it is much quicker. :)

    I have been doing the same although I usually have to double or triple tap.

    I do that, but often the buildings have characters with finished tasks, or income ready to collect... so you've gotta tap to clear the characters, tap again to clear the income, and then wait (or tap like crazy) to collect all the money, before you can finally tap on the signal. Kinda annoying, when they could have simply let you tap on the signal itself.

    Again, not a big deal, just a slight annoyance.
  • regankong wrote:
    I totally agree OP!

    I think the Atomic sign should take precedence over the cash sign of buildings.

  • I've been having much better results clearing the cash first, then going back and tapping the FRONT DOORS of the buildings for the atom signals.

    I start at the bottom of the screen and work up, because as the money falls it's less likely to drop in your way of the next tap.

    I've also noticed if i go to the center of town and wait a few minutes, all the criminals come to me on their own, like hippies to a free concert. Then it's a tap fest!