Forum Discussion

cogitoergosum8's avatar
11 years ago

*Attention Kindle Users*

Use your coins to buy GTA and get 2000 coins back.
  • Yeah, someone did post this last week or so, but can't hurt posting about this again.. Like someone else in this post said.. From the 1000 coins you earn from the 5 apps previously listed, "buy" and spend 699 coins on GTA San Andreas, which gives you 2000 coins back.. So in the end you get about 2,250 or something close to that.. Not too shabby of a deal for 5 minutes of time!!

    :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D
  • BlakeC02309 wrote:
    Yeah, someone did post this last week or so, but can't hurt posting about this again.. Like someone else in this post said.. From the 1000 coins you earn from the 5 apps previously listed, "buy" and spend 699 coins on GTA San Andreas, which gives you 2000 coins back.. So in the end you get about 2,250 or something close to that.. Not too shabby of a deal for 5 minutes of time!!

    :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D

    It's definitely worth it. I love that Amazon does this. You can get such great deals on TSTO in-app purchases. I buy Amazon coins and it turns out to be a better deal than just charging your credit card. They give you a percentage off when you buy coins (the more you buy, the bigger the discount). Then, you can use those coins to buy donuts which are 50% off. Plus, they do these free coin deals where you don't have to spend a cent. You end up saving a TON of money. There's definitely a lot of incentive in getting/keeping a Kindle, in my opinion. They're big money savers, in many different ways. I don't think I'd be able to have half the premium stuff I have in this game without the sales/deals.
  • Darn, it doesn't work for Kindle Fire 1st generation.

    Maybe with my android phone? Hmmm, will have to see.
  • Dont know how this work?

    I see "heart radio", on "play store"

    I download the app, where do you see the "coins" ?? and how do you use them in TSTO?

    I'm on Samsung tablet

    If it works explane with 5 apps (free) i have to download, then where you see the coins and how to use in TSTO?

    Only "Kindle" users i guess :roll:
  • brickevand408 wrote:
    Dont know how this work?

    I see "heart radio", on "play store"

    I download the app, where do you see the "coins" ?? and how do you use them in TSTO?

    I'm on Samsung tablet

    If it works explane with 5 apps (free) i have to download, then where you see the coins and how to use in TSTO?

    Only "Kindle" users i guess :roll:

    It's actually on the Amazon App Store, not Google Play. But apparently, you still need a Kindle to use the coins for donuts.