Forum Discussion

lloydy68's avatar
12 years ago


Causes lag if you are on dial up maybe. Otherwise, no it doesn't. Plus, EA rarely comes here anyway, so good luck getting their attention.
  • Mine is animated, but not in that too-fast-so-it-makes-you-cringe sort of way... I wonder how many people have even noticed?

    And I made it myself! Next, I'll make an animated GIF of me patting myself on the back. :wink:
  • I wish we could copy images :mrgreen: :lol: easier from ipad.... Seems easier on a cpr though
  • ur_wack452 wrote:
    Another forum police officer

    Not really, was just giving a bit of advice, I won't bother again....
  • jasonicus321 wrote:
    Worried over nothing. This is 2012 not 2002. I have been in forums with tens of thousands more members than this one, many who had animated avatars and there were no problems. If your pc can't handle gifs you need an upgrade. The servers will be fine.

    Nothing up with my PC, can't really upgrade it any more
  • spiffshine wrote:
    Mine is animated, but not in that too-fast-so-it-makes-you-cringe sort of way... I wonder how many people have even noticed?

    And I made it myself! Next, I'll make an animated GIF of me patting myself on the back. :wink:

    I noticed! Great job, BTW.

    Actually, mine is also animated,but it's scaled way down from my 1st of Maggie trying to walk. I thought that would be too distracting to forum users, so I chose Lisa who is enjoying my 2nd favorite activity: Reading. Express yourself!
  • Nice and subtle, elsie_d! I had noticed the page turning before - it adds a great bit of depth. :D

    I really can't stand some of the more obnoxious animations though... sorry xRobot! The cat slapping content is great, but the wild movement in the corner of my eye is very annoying. I have to zoom in on my iPad and move that avatar (and some other noticeably bad ones) off screen.
  • LimeWire_Prime wrote:
    What do you guys n girls think about my avatar and signature?

    Pigs rule!
  • Lloydy68 wrote:

    Hmm. And 21 December marks the last date on the Mayan calendar: will this be the end of the world as we know it?