Forum Discussion

scruple02's avatar
12 years ago

Can't login

I came here to post the same thing. So frustrating!! It just keeps opening to a new, anonymous game and there's no place to log in to MY game.

Hopefully someone has a solution!

It even says; "playing anonymously. If you have an origin Id dont forget to log in!" But there's no place to do so!! Usually there is that little orange circle on the left side when its loading before the game opens, but that is not there :(
  • There some server issue going on right now, so don't freak out until its back up and running. The other day it told me that I didn't have any friends (I have 100), but then I closed/logged in again and all was as it should be. People have had this issue with missing Santa coins as well, only to have them restored when they logged back in.

    Basically...your town should still be there, just waiting for the server to catch up with itself!