Forum Discussion

sromeo440's avatar
10 years ago

Catch up donut costs?

sromeo440 wrote:
I looked but didn't find this yet, does anyone know the catchup donut costs for the Act 1 prizes? I started very late and missed out on the last few.

As an OCR racer myself I really want to get the obstacle wall but not sure what it's going to cost me. :-) I almost got Jasper's skin, so it's 25 donuts to get him (and I don't own Jasper so that's a throwaway). I'd like to know what the full cost to get the wall would be so I can decide if the donut cost would be worth it, but the game won't tell me until I unlock Jasper.


Hello tapper. I don't know the answer to your question. I also do not know what an OCR racer is. Please inform me. Happy tapping!
  • I have no idea about catchup donut prices, but I could have a guess and think that OCR stands for "Obstacle Course Racer"...

    Or maybe Originally Crunchy Radishes. :P
  • OP, how are you still able to be working on the Act 1 prizes? Still collecting foam fingers?

    Look up the tap ball wiki. It shows the wall rush costing 80d.

    OCR - always meant optical character recognition to me.
  • chippers29775 wrote:
    I have no idea about catchup donut prices, but I could have a guess and think that OCR stands for "Obstacle Course Racer"...

    Or maybe Originally Crunchy Radishes. :P

    So the OP is an obstacle course racer racer?
  • LPNintendoITA wrote:

    click to enlarge

    This chart is not correct. Or well, maybe it was at one time, but it is no longer valid. The "Get it Now" option no longer exists. The only option is to rush with donuts. That cost is so much higher it is completely ridiculous!! I would have to pay 272 donuts to rush to get the Burns softball skin. I believe the cost is something like 1 donut for every 10 foam fingers, which is insane!!!

    So to answer the OP's question, I would guess you would spend at least 1000 donuts to get all of the Act I prizes at this point. I don't think it is worth it at all.
  • omfreakinggod I did something wrong with the text file when i checked those :o sorry! this is insane
  • drumnman wrote:
    Probably uses his PIN number at the ATM machine too.

    On his podcast Penn Jillette once pointed out that "ATM" also refers to a certain umm... type of performance you can find in some dark corners of the Internet. Which means when somebody says, "ATM Machine," they're really saying it's a machine that does... umm... er... you know. :shock:
  • Thanks guys, yes OCR means obstacle course racer, sorry always the problem with assuming acronyms are well known. :-) And I've only done one so far so not like I'm some sort of elite athlete or something. The reward just tickled my fancy a bit so I was bothered I was so behind in Act 1 (blast you real life).

    So yeah the obstacle wall is the one piece I missed and as I mentioned, so now I guess decision is whether it's worth 110 plus the 25 to finish Jasper. Appreciate everyone's input.