Forum Discussion

persevere80's avatar
5 years ago

Channel 6 or krusty shuttle?

I've just started playing regular for a month or so. Money is tight as I grind along (I have just skimmed the tips sticky)

My main question is, it more beneficial buying the krusty shuttle to access content? Or is the shuttle just for show as an tile. If that was the case I was thinking maybe channel 6 for the tasks?
  • Not only will you need to place the KrustyLand shuttle to progress the game at some point, but if you place the second shuttle, which would have been in Krustyland originally, you will then get KrustyLand visitors walking around.
    Or at least that is what happened to me.

    From the visitors you get KL tickets same as you do from KL attractions, which can be used to buy KL stuff so it gives another source of income, and if you place the KL entrance you can exchange KL tickets for In Game Cash, but that takes a while to build up.
    That is unless you get the glitch where it will not let you exchange them, let's hope not.

    You can also teleport across Springfield using the two shuttles instead of constantly scrolling.

    So it is worth doing, but definitely Channel 6 first.
    Not only does Channel 6 produce IGC but some characters do have tasks there, whereas the shuttle just looks like a bus stop.

    Though you do have to remember to set what you want C6 to do, I keep going to bed and forgetting putting it on a 16 hour task, doh.
  • Thanks for the tips. Ch6 is bought and already working on the cash for krusty shuttle. Whoop whoop...
  • If money is tight I would recommend Channel 6, not just because it generates money but also furthers the "storyline" leading to more tasks. Krustyland is a fun side story of sorts but the park (and related tasks) only generate krustyland tickets.

    Personally, I don't really like Krustyland though... so maybe I'm biased.
  • "kylemellev801;c-2105096" wrote:
    If money is tight I would recommend Channel 6, not just because it generates money but also furthers the "storyline" leading to more tasks. Krustyland is a fun side story of sorts but the park (and related tasks) only generate krustyland tickets.

    Personally, I don't really like Krustyland though... so maybe I'm biased.

    Perfect. Thanks for the quick response. I will continue with the storyline as I generate more cash. My worlds a but of a mess just now. A work in progress...
  • You do have to do Krustyland though as the game will stop generating other regular content until you do it. So don't ignore it completely.
    You will need it started by Level 26 which comes with The Ayn Rand School for Tots and eventually Maggie.
    Maggie has a mini game that earns donuts so it has a good purpose.
    Check out the Tip Thread for more info
  • "EllieGuseman;c-2105115" wrote:
    You do have to do Krustyland though as the game will stop generating other regular content until you do it. So don't ignore it completely.
    You will need it started by Level 26 which comes with The Ayn Rand School for Tots and eventually Maggie.
    Maggie has a mini game that earns donuts so it has a good purpose.
    Check out the Tip Thread for more info

    Thanks, I plan on doing the krusty shuttle after. I just didn't know what to go for first value wise. I also have a bit of land and sea to save up for now. Turning out to be a busy wee place.

    I may look into farming soon enough but at the moment I'm happy plodding along with the story line.
  • tbh it is very hard to farm until you get the regular level content done. If you think you have money issues now, farming will make it worse.
    Check out this great tip thread for some great info
    Just work on getting your bonus up before you get to the last regular level (Googleplex) so you are able to farm efficiently