Forum Discussion

am4692's avatar
11 years ago

Community goo rate increased

Where can I see the community goo meter?
  • missmoleman wrote:
    am4692 wrote:
    We are now climbing at a rate of 9,728 a second. This is a strangely odd number to increase by, like why not just be 10,000? My theory is that it is set to achive all the items by the end of the event down to the last minutes.

    But my point is that the rate continues to climb.

    Do you know the previous climbing rate per second?

    I don't see way it would be 10,000. Is not like everyone has round numbers of goos.

    But I agree on the settings. :)

    We started at just over 6000 a second the last time I checked about 2 days ago it was about 8000. Good point on the not rounded of numbers, I didn't think of that.
  • OuterHaven84 wrote:
    am4692 wrote:
    OuterHaven84 wrote:
    See here -

    Why would you link me to something I did first? Don't you think if that's what I wanted that's what I would of done?

    I linked to the post in the thread you created, just in case you missed it. Was only trying to be helpful so enough of the snarky comment.

    For the snarkyness I'm sorry, but I'm still missing what your referring too. I have no posts in that thread, nor do I see any reference to me. Maybe you could clarify by adding the post to this thread.
  • am4692 wrote:
    missmoleman wrote:
    am4692 wrote:
    We are now climbing at a rate of 9,728 a second. This is a strangely odd number to increase by, like why not just be 10,000? My theory is that it is set to achive all the items by the end of the event down to the last minutes.

    But my point is that the rate continues to climb.

    Do you know the previous climbing rate per second?

    I don't see way it would be 10,000. Is not like everyone has round numbers of goos.

    But I agree on the settings. :)

    We started at just over 6000 a second the last time I checked about 2 days ago it was about 8000. Good point on the not rounded of numbers, I didn't think of that.

    I seen it when the counter was at 3500/second. At the rate we are going, and with increase, we will hit the next billion around 9-10 pm CST. 22 hours since the last billion mark. The next billion will hit in 21.5 hours after and 21 hour after that. Leaving us to reach the next prize by sometime around 3-5 pm CST Saturday. I have been tracking every billion mark and how fast we hit that billion since around 3 billion. If this pattern stays true, with the increase and all, we would hit 25 billion by Wednesday, October 23, If the amount of goo stays at 5 billion per prize. This is just my observation and calculations and I can be off by a few hours or I could be completely wrong.
  • I have noticed a slight decrease in goo. The pattern I had observed through yesterday said we should have gotten to 8 billion at 9 pm CST but it took us 23 hours to get to 8 billion which if we stay at 23 hours per billion then we will get to 25 billion on the 27th. The community goo count may have peaked and may stay around 23 hors per pillion or may go down.
  • hasanmohamma wrote:
    acheeanthony wrote:
    I have noticed a slight decrease in goo. The pattern I had observed through yesterday said we should have gotten to 8 billion at 9 pm CST but it took us 23 hours to get to 8 billion which if we stay at 23 hours per billion then we will get to 25 billion on the 27th. The community goo count may have peaked and may stay around 23 hors per pillion or may go down.

    Well we have been getting at least a billion a day after we reached are 5 billion mark. We have about 8 billion i am guessing we will reach 10 billion goos by Saturday night if not Sunday morning at the least.

    Yeah we will still hit 10 billion this Saturday with 1 billion a day.