Forum Discussion

oikledavid783's avatar
11 years ago

complaint about complainers

Now we should all start complaining about the people complaining about the complainers complaining. :P seriously though, I also liked the event for the most part, but I like to see the positive anyway. The odds are low, and your chances of getting good prizes drops after you can't find baskets, but all in all I enjoyed the event. There is definitely plenty to do, and the good prizes are worth the effort, and some of the gag prizes are still nice to decorate with.
  • If you want to achieve this goal of less negativity, perhaps your time might be better spent positively contributing to the forum, in other threads, rather than telling people not to be 'negative nancies'. But, hey, I guess that's your perogative. As is every other members' to post what they like within the rules.
  • I do really enjoy this event but I'm not a fan of the Easter boxes as the main thing of the event. I liked the Christmas and Halloween event because you save up your stuff to get ensured the item, and how there was community prizes and pretty much everyone got those items, there was even a spin wheel to try out your luck.

    But I understand that EA is trying to make every event work differently
  • oikledavid783 wrote:
    Can everyone stop being such Negative Nancy's? I love everything EA and the Simpsons creators have brought us in the game. They made the Easter update like that so it wouldn't be done in a week. They want you to spend time on it. I got all the prizes in the first week because I spent donuts. Now I have nothing to do except the level 40 update. I've been giving the eggs I earned to friends. I'm just sick of everyone bashing the Easter update. Be glad we got one at all.

    PS. EA, if you read this, I would like Lucille Botz (the Babysitter Bandit) and Molloy (the Cat Burglar) added to the game please. They can be added to the villian group or a new group called criminals. I just really liked those characters is all

    Yes, I see your point, but please consider what it is like to be in the shoes of a player who has not had a basket in 12 days. I have not been able to earn enough eggs to do much of anything. At most, I am able to open a single gold box every 24-36 hours. This is primarily because I have no way to receive eggs from neighbors.

    Having no baskets has made achieving prizes basically impossible without using donuts. Some of us cannot or will not do that, for a variety of good reasons. As this board proves, even spending real money hasn't improved some players' odds very much.

    For two and a half years, I have been willing to "spend time on it," grinding to earn prizes. I did very well, and almost always earned everything that I wanted. However, this current glitch, combined with an unrealistically difficult set of chance requirements, will prevent me from attaining the goals.

    From that perspective, maybe you can sympathize with those who feel the need to vent.
  • peppers2ndmo wrote:
    Personally, I think the developers should take the comments on this message board to heart. The "complainers" are simply frustrated customers who spend their money to buy donuts that pays EA salaries.

    Ultimately, companies (EA included) want to attract and retain customers. Without the customer, the company will not survive. Happy customers spend money and all is well. Disgruntled customers complain and ultimately move on. It's fairly simple. Take care of your customers or you're out of business.

    I can see that several of my level 39 neighbors gave up before the level 40 update. Many were folks that had paid bucks to play...they had several premium items, etc. EA has done quite well with this game, but if they continue to be unresponsive to their customer base, they'll end up with nothing.

    Well said, bra sagt!

    Although I think EA can ride a lot on the Simpson brand for this particular game. Simpsons fans will play just for the fact that it's the Simpsons... And if the bad reviews start coming in, they can just abandon the game. They've already made their millions. And it's mostly the Simpson brand that will take the hit, not EA.
  • oikledavid783 wrote:
    Can everyone stop being such Negative Nancy's? I love everything EA and the Simpsons creators have brought us in the game. They made the Easter update like that so it wouldn't be done in a week. They want you to spend time on it. I got all the prizes in the first week because I spent donuts. Now I have nothing to do except the level 40 update. I've been giving the eggs I earned to friends. I'm just sick of everyone bashing the Easter update. Be glad we got one at all.

    PS. EA, if you read this, I would like Lucille Botz (the Babysitter Bandit) and Molloy (the Cat Burglar) added to the game please. They can be added to the villian group or a new group called criminals. I just really liked those characters is all

    So you are happy ea made the event harder and longer, yet you completed it in a week and you now complain you don't have enough content?
    Ea didn't just make it hard, they made it impossible for non premium players to complete. It's like putting a months revision for a exam and at the end the exam board out all the grades in a wheel, with a a* having a tiny % chance while a U having a large chance.
  • timberwuf wrote:
    Spend time on it? That's all I've done. Spending time on this event doesn't even get you close to half the prizes. I'm down to 1 box a day and that's getting as many eggs as I can.

    Some people got lucky and now they get to complain about complainers.


    If we got a sufficient amount of eggs, it wouldn't be so bad. If we could open three to five boxes a day, we'd be in better shape for all our egg collecting efforts. One box a day is just aggravating.
  • eliansukke180 wrote:
    annettemarc wrote:
    I'm grateful for this event for teaching me about stuff like "swear word filters" and how to use the Caps Lock key. I'm always thankful foreducational opportunities.

    Im grateful that this event thougt me the existence of this gif. I use i for ll sort of things now. Ive already used it twice on this forum and im gonna use it agan! Best.Gif.Ever.

    HA! This is me every time I get another egg pile :lol: