I went for it today, worked out I had 298 items to get... a total of 8,940 doughnuts needed, had just over 9,000 so decided it was time... was a little odd how it only refreshed four at a time, then three, two and just went one item at a time as I cleared each particular section...
Bought up some land as well, got all the edges and the ocean done... moved a few tennis courts around, got soooooo many things in my inventory now... loads of characters to bring out, 110 tasks in my task book with more to come when I bring other things out..
Cleared out a few neighbours as well... those that hadn't been seen in over a year...
At least I'm starting to do the things now I always saved for times when the game was quiet... rather than just not be in game at all when it's quiet... I'm still umming and ahhing nuking my town... I was planning too once I'd bought all the land... but there are a few little designs I made that grew organically and was part of a fluid plan, not any kind of set plan, that just came as little bits of inspiration that I feel would regret losing and probably make me quit game completely....