Forum Discussion

aMistyDish's avatar
9 years ago

Destroy Button

Better solution, let us put them in Krustyland.
  • How about making a way to store stuff we don't need in one storage file.
  • If they had a destroy option for items Customer Support would be constantly fielding calls from people who accidentally destroyed stuff wanting it back. That's why you can't sell Premium content (or so I've been told).

    The Krustyland crossover is a better idea.
  • mystery2mi's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I would like it if they would make a separate inventory category for holidays.
  • mystery2mi's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    M4rkEv4ns wrote:
    How about making a way to store stuff we don't need in one storage file.

    I like this idea! We could call it Junk! :mrgreen:

    They would have to program it in so we would be able to categorize it ourselves, though.