Forum Discussion

Ketsukikage's avatar
7 years ago

Did I just screw myself out of dozens of land tokens?

I got too excited about the update, and jumped into it without coming here to the forum first. That was stupid, and completely my fault. I nuked Krustyland without using up any of my remaining tickets to buy new land - when the game said "nuke" I assumed it was just a traditional nuke, as I've done to Springfield a couple of times already. I had no idea it would be permanent!

I never really worked much on KL, and that's also my fault. I thought it was boring and gave up on it not long after the story stopped pushing me to do so. As a result, I only got like 30 land tokens when I converted KL. Did I just lose out on a massive trove of the only real IMPORTANT currency that is left in the game?

I've learned how to KEM farm, so doughnuts are not a major obstacle (and I still throw EA some cash every now and again). I've built a (smallish) house farm, so money is not a real obstacle either. I'm patient, I understand how this game works. Land tokens are the only thing remaining that there is no way to grind out, so far as I know. Each new event seems to want to add LARGE buildings, and space is at a premium.

So what I want to know is this - am I screwed? Missing out on 70 land tokens from not optimizing KL is a HUGE penalty. Is there going to be a way to grind out the remaining land tokens I missed out on, or did I just give myself a massive and permanent handicap in this game?

  • "HisWrath;c-1955000" wrote:
    I do feel sorry newer players. They will always be many land tokens behind, with no way to catch up.

    By the time they catch up there might more ways to earn tokens. It's the players that had already bought all land and are short on space I feel for.

  • "kromkromkrom;c-1955002" wrote:
    "HisWrath;c-1955000" wrote:
    I do feel sorry newer players. They will always be many land tokens behind, with no way to catch up.

    By the time they catch up there might more ways to earn tokens. It's the players that had already bought all land and are short on space I feel for.

    If you bought all of the KL land then you got an equivalent amount of land tokens. Mind you, if you were close to the item limit then you might not be able to move everything anyway.

    You are right that there may be ways to earn more tokens in the future. I would hope so. When we built KL you could go pretty much as fast as you were willing to grind. Now you have wait until EA doles out tokens, one by one, with potentially days or weeks in between. I think that would frustrate the heck out of me.
  • I am glad that I am not the only one did the exact same thing that you all did.

    I guess we are all part of the same club now. Maybe one of you that is more creative could think of a name for us.
  • "Rosshk;c-1954790" wrote:
    I did the opposite. I bought all the remaining land, then nuked. I only did it because I wanted all the left over debris. I had no idea it would count towards land tiles, nor the debris would be offered still.

    I almost did this. Wish I would of.
  • "mikeymoore241;c-1954771" wrote:
    It's the spoiler that would have been worth knowing

    sorry guys but it was really the only thing we couldn't absolutely reveal