Forum Discussion

4junk3000's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

Dinosaur Invasion! A PHOTO SHOWGAMETHING! (?)

Update: Please use my entry in the thread below as an example of how to format your entry. This shouldn't be a complex photo shoot (unless you want to attempt a really high score.)

Hi all!

Since we're having a TIME traveling event, I thought it was TIME for a new contest!
Hopefully you've already noticed from experience, that while in design mode, dinosaurs in your town will eventually migrate toward you, if you stay focused in one location long enough. The result is a giant group of them roaming in a concentrated pack, like the raptors in the movie Jurassic Park.

I thought this presented an opportunity for some excellent scenes to be captured! Ravenous herds of dinosaurs raging through Springfield! Terrorizing all of our favorite SF landmarks! Will the town folk rise up and fight to defend their city?

Personally, I doubt it. But - since this IS a time traveling contest, it's possible some SFers in quantum dimensions (aka: YOUR towns) have indeed stepped up to fight the dino invasion and defend their SF!

Ok, fine. But as JimJ says, pictures or it didn't happen. And so the contest begins!

HOW TO ENTER: Take a SINGLE screen shot from your town, host it online, then reply to this thread to display it for the group. You are welcome to calculate and post your *score* as well.

HOW TO WIN: Have the highest score.
HOW TO SCORE: Your screenshot will earn...
- ONE point for each dinosaur pictured
- TWO points for each SF playable character pictured that is HOLDING A WEAPON
- THREE points for each NPC pictured that is HOLDING A WEAPON
- FOUR points for any playable character "skinned" to be WEARING A FIGHTING OUTFIT (a user-selected, non-standard costume)
- FIVE points bonus for having more than 30 dinosaurs in the shot

Please do not stitch together screenshots for a larger image.
Please do not use post-screenshot photo editing to manipulate the image.

Contest is open through the duration of the Prehistoric Era (scene 1) of the event, which as of now is just over six days. You may EDIT your ORIGINAL POST and resubmit as often as you wish until the Prehistoric deadline.

One entry per userID will be scored.

Good luck and happy tapping!