Forum Discussion

jjluv1500's avatar
9 years ago


Dear tapper,

To go to the settings tap the store option (the one with the halowwen items, characters, buildings etc.) Next to the icon of the movie projector you should see the settings icon tap it and voila, just make sure that "Confirm Donut Spend" is on.

Hope this helps
  • jjluv1500 wrote:
    ........PLEASE don't let me waste using donuts again and again due to key stroke errors......
    other games will have an option to make sure you want to spend donuts....but not this one.....your donuts are gone ....


    HELP :evil: :evil: :evil:

    There is a "Confirm Donut Spend" option. Go into the store and then use the cog in the top right corner of the store window. That'll take you to the options menu where you can turn the confirm donut spend on.

    It's saved me from a lot of accidental donut spends.
  • Open the build menu then tap the symbol in the top right corner - looks like a little wheel. This will open the options menu. There should be a box for confirm donut spend. Make sure this is checked. Hope this helps. :-)
  • jjluv1500 wrote:
    ........PLEASE don't let me waste using donuts again and again due to key stroke errors......
    other games will have an option to make sure you want to spend donuts....but not this one.....your donuts are gone ....


    HELP :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Are you trolling? Everybody knots there is an optioneel you dan turn on so you can tap Yes op no when spending donuts
  • Go to the Store menu. Tap the tiny little Gear in the upper right corner. Select ON for "Confirm Donut Spend".

    Many people have reported that this sometimes gets turned off with updates so you should check it with each update.
  • jjluv1500, your profile pic still looks frustrated & angry... Now that you have your answer, smile, buddy. :D
  • jjluv1500 wrote:
    ........PLEASE don't let me waste using donuts again and again due to key stroke errors......
    other games will have an option to make sure you want to spend donuts....but not this one.....your donuts are gone ....


    HELP :evil: :evil: :evil:

    1. Thread title all caps
    2. Hostile, aggressive avatar
    3. Comment spouting off about something not existing when it actually does

    Paints a dark picture of someone who acts first, thinks later (if ever).
