Forum Discussion

Imozone's avatar
11 years ago

Dollars for Donuts exchange

Imozone wrote:
I would love some of these premium items, but don't have the donuts to get them (and not keen on spending the money it would take to acquire them). I have plenty of the dollars, but can't earn any donuts, and have almost all the buildings that are not premium-based.
I propose they offer an exchange of (in game) dollars for donuts, say $5,000 per donut. The 150 donut buildings would be $750,000. This seems like a fair exchange. You do have the reverse available already.
Would love to add some of the premium items to my game without waiting another year to get enough to MAYBE get one...

As much as I want this would have to be higher in order to not completely alienate the premium players.

I mean the price of donuts in in-game cash would have to be through the roof. $50-$100k per donut.

At $750,000 what would be the point of even having it be for donuts? It has to be so high that people will still pay real money for it so that they don't have to save up cash for 3 months in order to get that 1 item.

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