Forum Discussion

jemm09285's avatar
11 years ago

EA didnt give me donuts and no refund...

Sue them
  • no offense, but it sounds like you might have goofed up and switched up your accounts.
  • The title of your post is a double negative, it means you didnt get donuts but got a refund......
  • Yeah, if it went to your account that you dont play tapped out on, then YOU messed up. How are they supposed to send donuts to an accoubt that doesnt exist?
  • jemm09285 wrote:
    I bought donuts from one of my account but never got them. Email came to my other email with receipt but thats not the email that i use when i play simpsons tapped out. They lied straight to my face when i called them that i got 300 donuts but i never received them in reality. I just dont get it how they can lie straight to my face that i got them on my B account when i got purchase receipt on A account that i even didnt use while buying donuts on B account.

    Thanks for nice support EA, love this game but now i am out. Got scammed for 17,99€

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You're talking about EA!!!!
  • Wait...I'm confused. Your receipt e-mail didn't go to your account email? I don't understand. When you contact EA for lost donuts you have to sign into your origin account, using the same email and password that you would use to sign into the Tapped Out account you bought the donuts for. If you contacted them through another account's email, then it's kind of your fault. If I'm wrong, please correct me, I'm just trying to understand your issue. EA is actually pretty good at giving back lost donuts. It happened to me a couple weeks ago and I just contacted them through the live chat feature and gave them a screenshot of my email receipt. The donuts were immediately put into my game, plus an additional 32 for the inconvenience. If your issue is that you were signed onto the wrong account when you contacted them, sign onto the right one (the one that is the same email as the email receipt) and contact them again. Explain what happened and be patient with them. They're actually pretty nice and will help you and will put up with your initial anger (trust me, I was a bit peeved at first with them too, but they assured me that they would fix it and they did). Just be clear and use the right account when you contact them.
  • I suggest talking to your app store support about getting a refund, and double-checking your payment account, since it sounds like there was a bit of a mix up.
  • If you purchased them on the wrong account and they were applied to it, then that's on you.
    But if they weren't applied to either account, then do what Cogito said.
  • The way that I understand it, you bought donuts on your secondary account and now want them moved over to your main account...

    Sorry, but that would be your own fault. If EA gave you a refund, it would be so easy for people to just scam EA out of donuts.

    Next time, pay better attention to which account you are purchasing donuts for.
  • I agree with going to the source of where you bought the donuts. That would get you the faster refund