direwolf987 wrote:
I don't know if this has been said because I didn't read every post due to the all the whining. But I wonder if the OP considered the reward for completing tasks. There are roughly 20 tasks and if each task produces 250 eggs, that's 5000 eggs. Also, there are eggs to be earned doing tasks with Homer, Ralph, etc.. I wonder how many boxes that is when you figure all that into the original math?
Believe me, it's all in there.
BLUE/PINK EGGS (across whole event)
*Characters (Homer, Ned, Ralph, Nelson, Moe, Crazy Cat Lady) = 6,245 eggs
*Tasks = 4,500 eggs
*Friend Visits = 16,200 eggs
*Egg Generator Gift = 3,150 eggs
*Carrots = 1,260 eggs
*Rabbits around Town = 7,776 eggs (at max)
TOTAL = 36,701 eggs
Add 6,500 gold eggs from B/P boxes (36,500 /500 x45% x(100+300)/2)
GRAND TOTAL = 43k eggs. Give or take with the baskets, etc.