jmart0031914 wrote:
the idea and concept of update is good as well as prizes but why 3 seperate boxes w/ all sharing lamest prizes!? the egg point system and random winning is awful seems like EA clearly trying to make up $ from FG game and that is awful too. The constant crashes make it this update even worse
My game hardly ever crashed on my old iPhone 4, and it's never crashed on my iPhone 5. It runs perfectly on my new phone. Chances are it's your device, not the game code. You may want to buy a new device or free up some memory on your existing device. That may help your crashing issue.
Linkwick wrote:
I personally think EA's going about it wrong. They're (seemingly) hoping for massive donut purchases of eggs from a smaller percentage of players to get everything.
As they've got a cap before getting all prizes (eg. all characters/buildings should be earned after 80/81 spins per box colour), if I got almost 60-70 spins per colour, I'd be inclined to drop donuts if I knew I'd only be dropping a maximum amount with a guarantee of getting the prizes.
They value larger payments from less players - I think that more players putting in a lesser amount of donuts would be better for their wallet, as well as generating better player goodwill. Not to mention that once you start going premium, it's a slippery slope (and all to EA's wallet's benefit).
You apparently don't realize that that's the business model for Free to Play games. The vast majority play it completely for free, a moderate percentage spend small amounts of money on it occasionally, and a very small percentage spend a lot of money on the game. That's how it works. So yes, there is a certain logic in focusing their attention on the small percent who actually regularly spend money on their game, keeping them in business.
Linkwick wrote:
GooooBanana wrote:
Linkwick wrote:
(and all to EA's wallet's benefit).
Shame on businesses trying to make money, all while giving us a free game to play in the meantime! The horror!
Didn't mean it's a bad thing, just that personally I'd have thought that more smaller purchases would be more income than a handful of big purchases.
But...they did that. There are a bunch of cheap donut decorations that were released in this update.
AJtheboss1 wrote:
teo47 wrote:
AJtheboss1 wrote:
8injoe wrote:
Ea's bottom line is to make money.
So of course they are going to make the odds far out so that you need to buy donuts and put more money in their pockets.
If this becomes their method of business they won't last very long...
They will last just fine. People whine on this forum no matter what EA does, so how will it make any difference? From what I can see, EA's only "mistake" is giving us as players TOO MANY available free prizes to get them all without spending donuts. This is quite possibly in response to the complaining during the Valentine's Day event about getting many multiples of the same items after the wheel was cleared, i.e. that there were TOO FEW prizes for the length of the event. Given the vast differences in how people play this game, there is no way to get it just right for everyone, is there?
Don't mix up empty complaints with real complaints. If this nonsense goes on for too long people will stop playing. At this point people didn't stop playing only because they've invested a lot into this game. But remember everyone has limits, and from what I can see they're really testing them now.
This isn't just this failure, it's everything EA has been doing lately.
They've been letting huge bugs go rampant, and instead of fixing them they go and "fix" things that are just fine, and the wheel/boxes thing would be one of those things.
They've been skimping on content.
They've been increasing prices on premiums.
I mean should I really continue?
The whole point of a freemium game is to entice people to spend money not entice them to gamble it away. They were on top last year because they had a good business model, but now they threw that away for whatever reason. Personally I think it's because greed. Knowing EA's history that's all they seem to care about.
So you're claiming TSTO has lost profits due to people leaving the game out of frustration? Would love to see your proof of that. Course there are always the new customers just discovering and playing the game that join everyday, in addition to the long time donut spenders.
AJtheboss1 wrote:
swdonnelly84 wrote:
There's an old saying, you get what you pay for. I'm a premium player with well over $500 invested in this game over almost two years. I've seen EA give bonuses and reward "freemium" players nonstop with little perks or compensation for "premium" players. Tear me apart for what I'm about to say, but, it looks like if you want everything in this update you might just have to pay for it for once.
There's been far too many items I've spent donuts on that EA turns around and makes available for cash. Then I've seen EA give away what was made available for donut only purchases under the presumptions of "limited time only". Then the best is when they do a deal on multiple premium items all the while with no compensation for those that had already bought said items and have been paying since day one.
Thats my rant- you get what you pay for. I've spent 200 donuts on eggs so far and I really can't say I'm disappointed. However, what would be disappointing is if EA changes the odds later on. I think they've done that before too......
WOW :shock:
I don't know whether to loose faith in people having common sense or laugh...
If you think they are punishing freemium players you must be on some elitist trip! You go ahead and waste your money on a CHANCE to win something good. Tell me how that goes when your wallet is a few hundred dollars lighter for what? A couple of characters and buildings.... You're real funny you know that? Maybe you should get into comedy lmao! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can pretty much buy out the entire premium item list with the money it would take to win a fraction of the stuff those donuts are worth... Geez I better stop while I'm ahead, I don't want to sound like a douche! :roll:
I assure you, you passed that bridge awhile ago.
AJtheboss1 wrote:
swdonnelly84 wrote:
AJtheboss1 wrote:
swdonnelly84 wrote:
AJtheboss1 wrote:
swdonnelly84 wrote:
There's an old saying, you get what you pay for. I'm a premium player with well over $500 invested in this game over almost two years. I've seen EA give bonuses and reward "freemium" players nonstop with little perks or compensation for "premium" players. Tear me apart for what I'm about to say, but, it looks like if you want everything in this update you might just have to pay for it for once.
There's been far too many items I've spent donuts on that EA turns around and makes available for cash. Then I've seen EA give away what was made available for donut only purchases under the presumptions of "limited time only". Then the best is when they do a deal on multiple premium items all the while with no compensation for those that had already bought said items and have been paying since day one.
Thats my rant- you get what you pay for. I've spent 200 donuts on eggs so far and I really can't say I'm disappointed. However, what would be disappointing is if EA changes the odds later on. I think they've done that before too......
WOW :shock:
I don't know whether to loose faith in people having common sense or laugh...
If you think they are punishing freemium players you must be on some elitist trip! You go ahead and waste your money on a CHANCE to win something good. Tell me how that goes when your wallet is a few hundred dollars lighter for what? A couple of characters and buildings.... You're real funny you know that? Maybe you should get into comedy lmao! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can pretty much buy out the entire premium item list with the money it would take to win a fraction of the stuff those donuts are worth... Geez I better stop while I'm ahead, I don't want to sound like a douche! :roll:
Yeah, you definitely don't wanna sound like a douche.
I apologize if I did but your comment was just way too easy. I mean you set yourself up for that...
Look at the bright side, it could've been much worse. The point is someone has to explain to you right? At least you didn't make this mistake when it would actually matter, for instance in front of actual people, who would be a lot harsher with their thoughts.
Doesn't seem like you have much interaction with "actual people". But anyway, I think it's time you break open the piggy bank little guy and get some donuts. EA will go bankrupt if not. Or wait, are you boycotting them?
HAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: hey buddy, don't start something you don't have the back to finish...
Getting this defensive isn't going to do you well. Learn to just take something and ignoring it if you don't like it.
Life lesson #2... I should be getting paid for this. :twisted:
...and now you've crossed the "internet tough guy"/"uber troll"/"super douche" bridge. Since you're a troll, I suggest you live under that bridge.
AJtheboss1 wrote:
swdonnelly84 wrote:
Yup, teach me how to ignore something. And teach me how to finish something with "actual people" too. You're so good good at it, lol. Really, you just have to learn to take what I said without getting all defensive. It was just my opinion, lol. So, what was the old saying about the pot calling the kettle black?
As much as I'd love to discuss this with you more, I'd like to end this pointless argument. Tho I would like to end of on one note. No one is stopping you from having an opinion. Even Hitler had opinions, but that doesn't mean all opinions are right. When your opinion is so backwards that someone has to call you out on it, it has to show you something. Again I do apologize if I was douschy to you, but I'm a very blunt person, especially when I see something that just doesn't make sense. And finally there's nothing to brag about if you spend money on this game. I love how you assume that because someone doesn't spend money on this game that they are broke... I mean come on, really? :roll: Some people know how to spend their money wisely. (My opinion)
If you need to stoop to comparing the other guy in a debate about a mobile game to Hitler, you've already lost the debate on every level. What a weak-minded, ignorant, idiotic comparison to make. There's a difference between being blunt and acting like a moron. Apparently you haven't figured that out yet.
annettemarc wrote:
DIrishB wrote:
Linkwick wrote:
Not normally one to rant, but here goes!! :evil:
1. It's extremely unlikely to complete all 3 Prize Boxes. Without buying anything (and based on approx 40k eggs collected - not gonna post the maths, but it works out that way), you'll get 65 spins of your primary colour Prizes, 16 of the off-colour Prizes, and 10 of the Gold Box.
From that, you'll get 4 SHOTS ONLY at the building & character in your off-colour Prize Box (they can only be won after 12 goes). Also, you WON"T GET A SHOT AT SHARY BOBBINS, as she only can be won after 20 Gold Boxes!! The 80 boxes limit until you win is a crock, if you're only likely to get anywhere near it in your primary colour!!
2. Whilst there's an incentinve to visit neighbours, for the first time there's no reward in your town for being visited!! We've had snake eggs, haunted buildings & gremlins, present drops and Valentines hearts, but this event? A basket where your friends are expected to donate (from their own stockpile!!) eggs, and get back only half of what they contribute!! Not only has the community prizes disappeared, so has the sense of people working together for mutual gain of their own individual prize goals!! So much for being a social game!!
3. How often can you get prizes this event? Xmas - between 5-8 spins a day (after completing the personal prizes). Valentines - 5 spins a day. Easter? You'd be aiming for 2. That's 2, less than half others!!
4. Either the cost of the boxes is too high, or the yield from tasks etc. is too low!! 80 spins/boxes to complete 1 set of prizes? OK, I could deal with that. But 3 separate sets, ALL with 5% or lower probabilities to earn non-decoration prizes (except the Gold Box building, but even that's still pretty low)?!
EA is either exceptionally greedy for donut purchases, has "jumped the shark" with this event, or is so poor at maths that they're oblivious to how badly they've stuffed up. Unfortunately the numbers don't lie, and unless you're looking to buy 14 sets of 5200x2colours eggs packages for 100 donuts each, you're outta luck.
Never has an event been so slanted towards paid currency. I wouldnt be so angry if the money-grab wasn't so blatant and in-your-face!! :evil:
I generally agree, but why do you keep referring to math in the plural ("maths")? You would say science, not sciences; or history, not histories, etc. Just wondering. It's math, no "s" on the end. Sorry to be a grammar nazi but I'm intent on preventing you from ebarrassing yourself in the future when discussing math.
I wondered too. Then realized linkwick may be in the UK. They use the terminology "maths" ... :)
No kidding? Huh... I didn't know that.