Forum Discussion

empathy77's avatar
7 years ago

Enough With The "Make Springfielders" Tasks!

I am beginning to hate every time a task pops up that involves sending every Spirngfielder to do a task. It wouldn't bother me so much if I was able to send all my characters on tasks using the unemployment office after the 5 requested Springfielders are sent to satisfy the quest task. But c'mon already, 300+ characters is time consuming. Plus if you send everyone, it could crash your game when you click on the thumbs up when it's completed. I know the simple solution is only send the 5 and leave everyone untasked but I'd rather my characters earn their keep.

Anyone else annoyed by it?

27 Replies

  • I always rush these tasks with donuts. They are annoying, but I usually quickly take care of them so they don't throw a snag into the UO.
  • "frosted1414;c-1960810" wrote:
    Wouldn't be so bad if the job paid premium for everyone.

    I have quite a few characters I keep in their premium skins (such as Ralph in his Little Helper premium skin) to earn premium tasks. Often the “make Springfielders” tasks remove these skins so that I have to go back and redo each of these characters before I can send everyone back on Employment Office tasks.

    Also the “make Springfielders” usually seem to come up right when most of the characters not participating in the event are coming off their 24 hour tasks. Grrr!

    Since a box comes up to assign characters (one by one) to the “make Springfielders” task, why can’t that box recognize when the 5 (or whatever number is required) slots are filled?
  • frosted1414's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 years ago
    Ya, changing skins on you is bad behavior and of course recognizing the 5 have been sent would be ideal.
  • "jaythecanadian;c-1960796" wrote:
    With the "make springfielders" tasks, in quests for minor or major events, you don't need to send only have to sent the required number and I always stick with that.

    True you do not have to send everyone. I think the point being made though is if you don't, the employment office is useless until that task ends, as everyone else has a highlighted task. So you either send everyone or leave most of your people untasked.

  • A few "Send Springfielders" tasks will trigger the blue progress wheel when the other part(s) of the questline are addressed.

    (ie. The She-She Lounge or Ajax Steel Mill's "Send Springfielders" tasks.)
  • EA needs to implement a "Tap All" feature where everything is collected and counted at once. They could also add an on/off option for the purists who still want to see the animation of the money and XP being collected.