Forum Discussion

glitzyoccasions's avatar
12 years ago

exchanging tickets for cash

If you are not hurting for money in SF, I would hold on to them, as I expect (am hoping) there is more to KL in future updates and you may need them. I would pull all your characters back to SF and get them earning money again, but still make sure you keep collecting from your KL building and visitors

That is my two cents
  • Yeah def hold on to them, my aim is 500k to buy all land and some deco with 100k to spare just incase before i move my characters back to springfield. Only got 74k so got a good couple of months collecting
  • subii42 wrote:
    Yeah def hold on to them, my aim is 500k to buy all land and some deco with 100k to spare just incase before i move my characters back to springfield. Only got 74k so got a good couple of months collecting

    why do you need to buy all the land?
  • subii42 wrote:
    So i have it all :)

    ok have fun with that.

    i plan on just fencing off a smaller area, making that my park and continuing to collect tickets.
    if they add more content and i need more land then i will buy more
  • Well seeing as the only goals i have in the game now are all SP tiles and KL land i dont see the harm in collecting half a million tickets :)
  • I'm also buying all the land. I will not occupy said land, but will have areas marked off and non-pathed so that it's ready for development. I don't want to have to scramble to buy land then buy attractions with new updates, so as with I did with SF, in-between updates is just buying up the land. I know updates should come, so I'm going to not utilize said land to force re-designs. I did want to have themed lands in my KL, so just want to get the land part out of the way especially since I don't need $$ in Springfield. Will I don't need NEED it, but I'd rather continue with KL until there's nothing left to buy before deserting it. If Halloween adds tasks to all KL characters, then they will be pulled, but if they won't have a role in the update, then I will leave them in KL.

    Right now, I only have Homer, SVT and Moleman pulled. Homer is part of the Patti & Selma questline, and will very likely be a part of Halloween so he will stay out. I pulled SVT and Moleman since I do not want a second one and want the donuts. So I can part with their 500 some daily tickets to have the possibility of 30 donuts. Plus their task at the Stunt show was causing issues on my Android device.