Forum Discussion

carpediem116's avatar
11 years ago

Feeder Town- My 2 Cents

I cant help you with the feeder town but why is Ned running over the grumple spilling blood everywhere in your avatar :shock: :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

5 Replies

  • Another player posted on suggestion of ways to make Grumple dies so I came up with one.

    :lol: :lol::twisted: :lol: :lol:
  • carpediem116 wrote:
    Another player posted on suggestion of ways to make Grumple dies so I came up with one.

    :lol: :lol::twisted: :lol: :lol:
    Grumply Grumply Groo theres blood all over you!!
  • carpediem116 wrote:
    What is a feeder town? I thought feeder towns are just there so one can visit the main accounts to do the daily visits.

    When you start to play on that account (leveling, questing and building), is it still considered a feeder town?

    Personally I do not find the need to have a feeder town as the TSTO community is very friendly and friends are easy to come by.

    Just a pet peeve of mine when people refers to their 2nd accounts as feeder accounts. Feel free to ignore this thread :-)

    Can't it be both? A feeder town and a town you level up?

    "Feeder town(s)" were very helpful for Whacking Day. Not nearly as necessary for other events.
  • On the other hand, at what point does a second account become a feeder town? I started my first town with total disregard for cost of the things i wanted. I bought whatever appealed to me, including lots of donuts. That was my goal -- and that was what I did.

    I then created a second town to see what I could accomplish as a strictly freemium player. A challenge, to be sure. Accumulating donuts is excruciatingly slow.

    During events, I used that second town to feed my first town. Does that make it a feeder town?

    I also created towns with the sole INTENT to feed my main town. As the little balloon quest prompts come up, I found them irresistible, and did the tasks given. I have a self-imposed limit of three minutes in each town twice per day. I use them as feeders, but are they now just additional towns? I have ROADS in them, for crying out loud. ;) ;)

    In my mind, the terms "feeder town" and "second town" are not mutually exclusive. I don't know if your question can be answered simply. Sorry. :)