Forum Discussion

beeblebrox900's avatar
12 years ago

Feeder towns pointless?

They are still useful if you have your "glitchables (Squidport Tiles, Open Air Stage, Channel 6, Cletus' Farm)" going on.

3 Replies

  • Good point, I dont have tiles, maxed out after a freak collection. Am growing corn, so I guess its mothballable for 3 months. Cant think of any other reason to use it though. For the other glitchables, even with channel 6 right in my LZ people werent clicking it enough to bother leaving it there.
  • my main town is boring now, so betwen events, i am now turning my fedder town into a real town.
  • philieb wrote:
    I have not bothered to make a feeder town and have successfully completed every event. Therefor I don't see a need to start one now or ever.

    I struggled with WD, so many bugs at the beginning, it took forever to get my licence, but yeah since them I have managed to get thru events with plenty of time to spare. Another nail in the coffin.