Forum Discussion

Newcastlenia's avatar
8 years ago

Finding Fans

Apologies if I'm late to the party on this one, but is there an easy way to find fans once you've crafted everything in Kwik-E-Merch, but haven't completed the current prize track?

Normally I use the 'do it' button to automatically find the fans, but I'm very close to getting to the last level of the Kwik-E- Merch so that won't be option soon, obviously I'm nowhere near completing our current prize track which started morning, so am hoping against hope there's an easy answer to this that doesn't involve having to hide everything and doing a manual, slow crawl through my ever growing house and Kwik-e-Mart farm!!
  • First finish the Act 2 quest line (not the prize track), once this is done you will have in the task bar for "More Pop" or something like that (can't remember exact words, but it it's in another thread). That would bring you right to the fans when tapped.

    Found it:

    "Jonalinn;c-1680635" wrote:
    Here you go (I put it in spoiler tags because you can see a little bit of the plane in one of the pics)

  • "KILLAchievement;c-1680867" wrote:
    First finish the Act 2 quest line (not the prize track), once this is done you will have in the task bar for Get more Pop or something like that (can't remember exact words, but it it's in another thread). That would bring you right to the fans when tapped.

    This isn't that easy when part 4 of the quest line is to get the fourth prize in the prize track. I have just waited for them to congregate near the stages. I get my other tasks done and come back and generally I am able to clear them.
  • True, I do the same until I get to the point where I finish the quest line: let my iPad sit in game and with the screen on for 5 minutes and then tap the fans near the venues. There will be some stragglers, but a majority can be found this way.
  • The hit box on the fans is horrendous in this update. Every time I tap a fan, guaranteed the game will thing I tapped the character/building/item next to it. Infuriating.

    The fans congregate around the stages, so I had to move them into an empty space to reduce it.
  • (Sorry about this in advance.)
    Try going to Lowes, Home Depot, or Walmart, and look in the home goods section.

  • Jonalinn's avatar
    New Spectator
    "spyder1952850;c-1682960" wrote:
    (Sorry about this in advance.)
    Try going to Lowes, Home Depot, or Walmart, and look in the home goods section.

  • "spyder1952850;c-1682960" wrote:
    (Sorry about this in advance.)
    Try going to Lowes, Home Depot, or Walmart, and look in the home goods section.

    Ah! See me living in the UK puts me at a distinct disadvantage if you can only find fans in those exact places........!