Forum Discussion

DigitalBaggins's avatar
New Novice
8 years ago

Game performance since update (Android)

Since the update hit in my town the scrolling does not work as fluid as it used to. When I scroll it only goes a few paces, now I am unsure if it's the game or my Samsung Galaxy S2 tablet which is a pretty powerful tablet. But there also was a Android update to the tablet today as well.

I'm running Android 6.0.1

No other game I play is suffering from this problem.

Anybody else having issues?

20 Replies

  • "samspargo332;1553831" wrote:
    I've noticed this as well and I'm on Android 6.0

    Just did it to me again. Never exited the game and it switched back. Lost 4 more donuts. BS!
  • Happening here too. Scrolls half a screen and then stops like someone hit the brakes. Made friend visits slooow. It was fine right before the update. I'm on Android 4.4.
  • I'm on iPad and no issues, but have had this in the past. If I do a hard close it goes back to normal.
  • I am having a problem with my Android tablet where if I move to a certain location in my town, the game crashes. I am currently trying to store all items in that location using my phone to see if I can stop it.
  • "johncolombo;1553751" wrote:
    "DeadSpaceBoy;1553750" wrote:
    I have the same problem in my town on my Samsung S7 Edge. Started with this update. Krustyland is fine though.

    what are you doing in KL?

    I was scrolling through my town when i saw this white bus with some weird clown on it. He hypnotised me with his rolling eyes and made me tap the bus. This is how i ended up in KL. :D
  • I was fine until I got the send springfielders task for the eiffel tower. After that finished was back to normal again. Had all my characters free as well. Am keeping them on 1 hr or 4hr tasks so I can have them ready for flights instead now.

    Android 5.0.1
  • I guess this is one of the drawbacks of adding so much space. It is implemented at the risk of poor performance. Strange that it seems to affect Android more than iOS.
  • I only play this game for KrustyLand.

    The game is working pretty well for me right now (Galaxy S7). I was surprised because I had 200 characters coming out of the same place and it didn't slow down once. I always turn off the frilly animations and crazy background wallpapers on my phones.