I feel bad too but I do NOT want you to feel bad about me in that equation. In fact, I insist you use any gift bag you were going to give me to give to one of your friends with a lesser card count. Barring times when I cannot play because the game keeps crashing, I've been visiting all 100 friends every single day, so I have lots of gift cards.
In general, that has been my way to deal with the gift card shortage. I am directing my gift cards to friends that have been active, and of those, I am focusing my cards towards my neighbors that have the lowest card counts because I want to help those who need it most. I can't afford to buy gift bags, I don't have the real life money to do so, so that is the way I'm making my gift bags do the most good.
If I end up with any Google play cards for Christmas I'm going to buy gift bags to give out to my neighbors, because despite the fact that there aren't enough and that makes me feel bad, I absolutely love leaving gift bags. I think it is a ton of fun and it makes me happy.